Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 (17 march 2024)

We arrived at the party,Sophie's sister drove us. She had been invited by one of the cheerleader because she just got in the team but she didn't wanna go alone.
"Let's get inside" I said
"So You're sure about it?" She asked and I nodded

We enter the house and we were hit by the smell of alcol cigarettes and something that I think was marijuana.

"Oh god" I whispered
The music was very loud and we made our way to the kitchen
"What would you like ladies?" said a blonde guy behind the counter
"I'll get a gin tonic" said Sophie
"And you dear?"
"I'll get a long insland"
Sophie looked at me
"Staring strong" said the guy laughing


I didn't know where Sophie was,she was with her friend Amelie and she took her in the bathroom because she was sick. I was on the couch waiting for her when a guy approached me
"You here alone?" He asked sitting next to me
"Oh yeah no my friend she's upstairs" I blabbed
"I see,wanna dance?" He asked

I though about it,Sophie was definitely coming back soon so that I didn't have to stay too long
"Why not" I said laughing getting up

We started dancing when he put a hand on my waist and I looked at him
"What's your name" he asked
"Nice to meet you I'm Lucas"
"Are you 21? I saw that you were drinking"
"Yeah,I just turned 21" I lied
Then he proceeded to go down with his hands on my legs
"What you doing?" I said backing off
"C'mon" he said pulling me by my waist
"Let go"
"Don't be shy" he said with his hand on my butt and his lips on my neck
As he was about to kiss my neck he fell on the ground
I backed up and he was on the ground with a hand on his face,next to us there was Blake,with an angry stare going between me and that guy
"I'm not going to ask you anything right now,I'll take you home" he said with a tone that indicated no arguing
"But Sophie is still here" I said not moving
He stopped and glared at me
"What the fuck is wrong with you Allison let's go"
"You already caused too much trouble" he said grabbing my wrist
"I have to text her first"

-Blakes is here he's madd I'm going with him. Call mer

"Let's go"
I went out of that house with him always behind me,as we were in the garden I almost fell
"You drank that you can't even walk?" He said coming close to me and he smelled my lips
"What's in you mind" he said taking his car key out
I got in the car and put the seatbelt on,everything in silence.
"Put this jacket on,it's cold outside" he said handing me a hoodie that I wore right away
"How did you even got here"
"Sophie's sister drove us"
"Amazing, does Josh know about this?"
I remained silent
"Of course"
"Do you think you did something wrong by coming to the party?" He asked
"Why would I? Everyone does it"
"Then why didn't you tell Josh or your family?"

He got me there and I remained silent
"You knew that guy?" He asked
"Then why were you dancing with him?"
"It happened" I shrugged
"Even him touching you and kissing you happened?"
"Listen Blake I'm not in the mood for this talk,you won I made a mistake tonight"
He remained silent for a while

"Did he hurt you?"
"No,nothing like that"

He nodded

"Do you remember his name? He was for sure older than you maybe we can do something-"
"No,he asked for my age and I said 21 plus I was drinking"

He didn't say anything

We were halfway home when I started to feel sick
"Can you pull over?" I asked
"What's happening you don't feel good?"
He looked at me and then he pulled over,I opened the door and got up,I was feeling sick

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