Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (10 march 2024)


"Where were you?"

I just got home from the party,it was 2 a.m in the morning and I was pretty drunk.

"Party" it's my only answer

My dad was sitting on the couch while looking at me,with a computer on his lap. He was wearing a pajama but I know that he never went to bed,he has been working since he got home

"When are you gonna stop coming home wasted every night Blake?" ha asked
"Yo don't exaggerate,it's just after a match"
He looked at me for few seconds and then back to his pc
"Earlier a girl came here,she asked for you"

You gotta to be fucking kidding me.

"Was she black haired?" I asked

He simply nodded

"Fucking amazing,that bitch need to calm down" I said throwing my bag on the floor
"Don't worry,I told her that if she'll come here again I'll press charges"

That was for sure my dad.

He was a lawyer,the best here in California. That's why he's not always home. His main studio it's here in Los Angeles but sometimes he has to visit the one in New York and in Florida.

"How was the game" he asked closing his pc
"Good,we won but coach wasn't so happy. Some of the guys were distracted and we made rookie mistakes" I answered sitting across him
"I'm happy for you Blake,I hope that I'll be present at your next one"
I smiled
"I'm going to bed,goodnight,don't stay up late tomorrow you have school"
"Night dad"

I don't really know how to describe my dad. He had me when he was 18 and he started college at 25 to raise me. My mum was present just in the 2 years of my life then she decides to move to Massachusetts because she was young and he wanted to live her life. My dad was devastated. While he was in college I mostly lived with my grandparents that raised me like I was their own child. When he was 20 he started to go to clubs every night,getting wasted and smoking weed everyday;my grandparents almost didn't recognize him and they told my dad that he wouldn't see me until he'd changed and a year later he was back. My dad is like me,maybe it's more correct to say that I'm like my dad. After my mom he has never tried to have a serious relationship with a woman but he goes to date with different ones.

One thing about him is that he's never brought them home,or if he did he would make sure that I'm not home and I'm thankful for that. Raising a child at 18 and experiencing college that late must have been tough for him. He never got to experience life like me,after college he immediately went to work,first he started with other's laws firm until he started his own.

When I come home late or I bring too many girls over he get mad at me,we had many fights about it and they didn't end well. You would think that if you have a young dad he'll let you smoke and drink as much as you want. Well that doesn't work for me. He caught me once smoking and he went crazy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing this shit can get you killed" he was shouting
"You can even go to jail,tell me where's the rest Blake or I swear to god that car that you have is going straight to the junkyard!"

He shows love in his way and I'm still getting used to it.



"Allison you have been put in AP calculus" said Mr Harris handing me a paper
"Oh,well that was unexpected" I said taking the paper and reading it
"Not at all,you're very good at math" he said smiling
"Thank you Mr Harris"
"Is it upstairs? Where the seniors classes are?" I asked
"Perfect,then I'll ask my brother. Thank you very much"
He smiled and went back to the classroom

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