Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (17 march 2024)

I was getting ready to go out,Layla texted me asking if I wanted to go to the mall with her and grabbing something to eat and I accepted. It was nice to have a new friend.

-I'm here

I took my purse and headed downstairs
"Where are you going?" Asked my mom putting down the knife
"Out with a friend"
"Well,have fun sweetie"
"Are you having dinner with us?" She asked
"Don't think so,bye!"

Layla was waiting outside but she wasn't alone,there was another girl. I think that was Lexie,her best friend
"Hey Allison!" Shouted Layla
"Hi" I waved at her and Lexie
I was about to get in the car when Layla stopped me
"Allison come here,Lexie you go behind"
Lexie was on her phone when she suddenly looked up mouth wide open
"What do you mean" she asked
"Let Allison sit in the front" Layla replied in an obvious tone
"Oh it's fine,I can go in the back I like it-"
"Lexie" said Layla keep looking at her
"In the back"

Lexie stared at her and then at me

That is gonna be a long ride.


"I saw that Brandy Melville has launched a new collection,we HAVE to go" said Layla
"Oh my god I love Brandy" I replied
Lexie was still on her phone,not paying attention to us.
"Lexie what about you? You like Brandy?" I asked
"Yeah it's fine but I like American Eagle more" she said putting her phone in her purse
"You're right,I love their jeans"
She gave me a small smile and started to walk away
"Brandy is this way" she said pointing to the right
We followed her,me and Layla arm and arm.
"So,are you coming to the party this Friday?" She asked
"After the football game?"
"Oh no,this one is more for college people" she replies
"I think I'm gonna skip this,I don't know anyone"
"You can come with us!" She said pointing at her and Lexie
"I don't know" I said scratching my head

Honestly I didn't wanna go. Layla is my friend but without Sophie and the others It wouldn't be the same.
"It'll be funny,we'll be home at 00:00 I promise you" she insisted
"Leave her alone Layla,college party are boring anyway" said Lexie
"Shut up"
"She just say that because her ex will be there,you have to come Allison so that Lexie can have fun. She's sad but doesn't wanna admit it" she added in my ear
"Well I guess that's fine,I'll come"
"Perfect!" She said clapping her hands as we entered she shop


"I'm starving" said Lexie with a hand on her stomach
"Me too" I replied
"Do you wanna go to in-n-out?" Suggested Layla
"YES!" Me and Lexie said in unison and she laughed
"I hope there's one here in the mall,I don't wanna drive-"
"Hey girls!"
We turned around and there was Carson with two friends waving at us
"Hi guys what are you doing here?" Asked Layla kissing them on the cheek
"Just some shopping,we're going to in-n-out now,what about you?"
"Omg same!" She screamed
"Cool,we can go together then" said one of his friends
"Of course" said Layla turning to me
"Guys she's Allison" she said grabbing my hand
"Yeah we know each other" said Carson smiling and I blushed
"Please guys i'm starving let's go" said Lexie walking away and we all followed her


I was sitting between Layla and Cole,facing Carson. While we were eating Layla got a phone call.
"Tommy had to go" she said
"I'm at the mall right now"
"Could you just call him?"
"Fine" she said closing the phone call
"Everything'a alright?" Lexie asked
"Yeah no,my brother had to pick up my sister from dance lesson and now I have to go because he doesn't answer,asshole"
"That sucks" said Carson
I wrapped my left burger in the paper and got up
"Let's go then" I said
"Allison don't worry,I'm sorry that you didn't even get to finish eating"
"Don't worry about it" I said smiling
"Really,stay here,maybe Carson can take you home?" she said looking at him
"Of course" he replies looking at me
"You sure? I can call my mum or something if you want"
"No problem,that would be a pleasure for me"
I blushed
"Thank you Carson" Layla said caressing his shoulder
"I'll text you later Al" she said hugging me
"Bye Allison" added Lexie waving at me and I waved back

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