Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (May 1 2024)

I was walking in the cafeteria when I heard my name being called
Carson was waving at me from a table far from the one of my brother and the others,he was with his friends and there was Layla too
"How are you girl!" She squealed hugging me
"All good,how about you?" I asked
"Never better"
I sat next to Carson and Lexie and took my lunch
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked
"Yeah" I blushed
"Are you coming at our game?" He asked
"When is it?"
"Next week" he replied
"I'll be there"
He smiled
"Allison is that your brother?" Said Layla looking behind me
I turned around and Josh was walking towards us.
"Please this can't be happening"
He took a glance of me and then turned to Carson
"Carson mind me few words?" He asked
Carson looked at me a with a reassuring look and got up
"Of course"
As they were walking out the cafeteria I immediately went to their table,Blake saw me but he acted like I wasn't there
"What" he said chewing and not looking at me
"What the heck was that" I asked
He just shrugged
I lightly pushed him and scratched the sandwich from his hands
"What the fuck"
"Now you seem interested" I said
"Give it back"
"What the hell are they doing? What did Josh tell you?" I asked
"You're annoying you know that? Josh got mad at me yesterday and it's all your fault" he said
"All my fault? I didn't even did it on purpose and you told him that I was with Carson"
"I guess that's karma" he replied
He can't be for real
"Look Allison since you don't want to stop hanging out with him,Josh will punch him to death" he said nonchalantly
"Just joking,he's telling him to stay away from you" he took the sandwich back and started to eat
"Why does he always have to ruin my life?"
Blake looked at me almost with disgust
"You're very ungrateful you know that?"
"He's just trying to protect you like he has always done since you were born but I guess we'll see when he'll break your heart" he spitted out
My eyes were full of tears
"I hate you"


"What happened?" I asked

I called Carson in the evening because him and Josh disappeared at lunch and never came back,I was concerned but I didn't want to ask Blake

"Nothing,don't worry"
"Tell me,the two of you disappeared"
"Allison I told you not to worry,we just went to the park to talk and it was late so we went home"
"But what did he said"
"Can't tell you"
"Allison you're not his property,you can do whatever you want and if you want to talk with me or hang out you can and you will. Got it?"
"Yeah,I know"
"He'll accept it"
"I hope so.."


I have just a had the worst fight with my family.
It all started with my dad being nervous. And when dad's nervous you better stay away from him. Josh was nervous too,he's got a small fracture and coach said that he was benched for the upcoming game. He has never been benched in his whole life
We were having dinner when dad got a phone call
"I told you to take care of it didn't I?"
"I don't care,if I pay you extra money there is a reason isn't it?!" He shout
"Listen to me,if you don't solve this shit out I'm gonna fire you"
"David please" said my mum trying to calm him down but he shushed her
He then closed the phone call
"What happened-" I tried to say but I got cutted off
"That lady you told me to hire is the worst employee I ever had" he said to my mum
"Monica? She's brilliant in her work-"
"Brilliant? How could you send the wrong balance?!"
"I souldn't have listened to you" he said
"You're exaggerating dad" said Josh joining the conversation
"I'm exaggerating?! The work that I do keep this fucking house up,without me you wouldn't have that car"
"You're acting like you're the only one that works" said my mum
"Oh yeah you wanna compare our jobs Ellen? Me having the responsibility of a whole company and you having a Jewelery in the city centre?!"
"Dad calm down!" I said looking angrily at him
"Don't tell me to calm down when all I do is work my ass of for all of you!"
"Yeah you're amazing at being a Ceo but I'll say you're mediocre being a dad"

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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