Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (12 march 2024)

I was looking at my schedule in my locker. I have English now so I took my book and my folder. As I was closing it there was a girl behind it and I jumped.
"Crap,you scared me" I said laughing with a hand on my heart
"Didn't meant to,sorry!" she replies with a big smile on her face
"Uhm,may I help you?" I asked
"Actually I can help you. I know that you're new and we have History class together,you can borrow my notes for the upcoming test!"
"Oh,thank you very much.."
"Layla!" She said
"Thank you very much Layla,I'm Allison" I said smiling at her and offering my hand but she hugged me instead.
I stood there not knowing what to do. That was weird.
"Come with me,we'll go together"
She took my hand and I had no other options but   follow her.


"So,how's school so far?" She asked
"Very good,I like it" I simply replied
"Did you transferred here?"
"Oh no,actually I was here during freshmen year but uhm,I went to London to my grandparents for a bit and now I'm back here" I said
"Oh so you have friends here"
"Yeah,I have friends and my Brother also goes to this school so-"
"Is your Brother Josh Cooper?" She asked interrupting me
I nodded
"I knew that,you two look alike" she said laughing and I smiled
"Ok class took turn your book to page 143" said Mr Smith closing the door


It was now time for PE and after I saluted Layla and exchanging numbers I went to the locker rooms,I changed in the school's uniform which consisted of a black t shirt and a pair of white shorts and made my way into the gym.

I looked around and realized that I didn't knew anyone,there were people from my History classes but I haven't talked to them yet and I was a bit shy
"Allison!" I turned around and saw Julie
"Oh my god I'm so relieved to see you here" I said
She laughed and hugged me
"I'm happy too,we don't have many classes together"
I nodded
"So what to you do at PE?" I asked
"Usually we do some warm up and then we play dodgeball" she replies
"Cool,I love dodgeball!"
"Then let's hope we'll be together,we have to crush those bitches" she said looking behind me
I turned around and saw a group of girls talking loudly.
"Who are they?" I asked
"They're bitches"
I rolled my eyes
"C'mon who are they" I asked moving in front of her so that now she was looking at me
"They made fun of my sister,she got home crying and didn't wanna tell me why"
I could see the rage in her eyes
"Emma?! How could they make fun of her? She's such a good girl"
"She went to cheerleader tryouts and they made fun of her,she didn't tell me exactly what they said but she haven't eaten for 2 days"
"Oh,I see"


"Then we'll crush them,I promise you. No one is gonna hurt my Emma"
"I suck at dodgeball but I'll try my best" she said
"Don't worry,I'll take care of it"

"Everyone line up! Five laps running"
"3,2,1 go!"
We all started to run.
"Mayer,Johnson,Brown,what are you folks doing here!?" shouted Mr Davis
I turned to the doors and Blake and some of his friends were entering the gym
"We just wanted to see the game for once" one of them replied
"Where's your coach? Don't you have practice now?" He asked
"He's stuck in the traffic. C'mon Mr Davis we'll just watch" said Blake
Mr Davis rolled his eyes and let them in

As we finished the 5 laps Mr Davis was in the center of the court
"We'll be playing dodgeball,Jones and you-" he said pointing at me
"Cooper,Allison Cooper" I answered
"Jones and Cooper come here you'll be the captains"

I looked at Julie and she was already smiling at me. That Jones girl was one of the bitches

"Boo,just because Josh's captain" shouted Blake and as they all laughed I stucked my tongue out at him
"Jones you go first"
"Of course Charlotte" she said in an high pitched tone
"Julie" I said
"Michael" she said winking at him
"Matias" whispered Julie in my ear
"Matias" I said

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