Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (12th april 2024)

Blake was near his locker surrounded by his friends,some of them were loudly talking and laughing while the others were kissing their girlfriend very passionately.

I gathered all my courage and walked to him
He didn't heard me
"Blake that chick is calling you" one of his friends said pointing at me and I glared at him
Blake stopped talking,looked at me and then he gave me a cheeky smile
"Hi princess,everything's all right?" He said coming closer to me
"Yeah,can we talk?" I asked
"About what?" He replied tilting his head
He knew damn well what I wanted to talk about
"If you beg me it's impossible to say no" he said grabbing my arm and taking me away from the others. I just followed him

"So? What did you wanted to talk about" he said leaning to the wall of the gym
I rolled my eyes
"You know,about last night"
"Oh! I forgot!" He said faking slapping his forehead
"Stop it Blake"
He pushed himself off the wall and positioned himself in front of me
"What" he said
"It was nothing like that last night,you misunderstood"
"Mhh. Nothing like that what?" He asked with a grin
I opened my mouth to answer him but he anticipated me
"You had you shirt and you bra in your hand,I mean isn't it pretty obvious?" he said raising his eyebrows
"No no,see? You misunderstood. My clothes were wet but I had a sweater with me and I got changed"
He looked at me and slowly nodded
"You don't have to justify,if you had sex I don't see where's the problem"
"I didn't! Please Blake believe me!"
He had a serious face then he laughed
"Chill out I believe you"

This bitch

"Thank god" I said with a hand on my heart
"But that doesn't change the fact that you're hanging out with him" he added
"What's the problem?" I asked
"He's a jerk" he said in an obvious tone
"And you're not"
He put a hand on his heart
"That hurts"

I rolled my eyes.
"I won't tell Josh" he anticipated me
"Thanks" I replied
"But it's better if he knows that you're hanging out with him" he said
I leaned on the wall at looked at him
"People change,maybe Carson changed too"
"Keep telling yourself that" he said patting my shoulder
"Gotta go,see ya"


I was in the kitchen eating a sandwich when Josh entered the house. I got up immediately to go talk to him but he was with Blake and Daniel.

"What's up?"  He asked coming to me
"Nothing I was just hoping to talk to you in private"
"Go on" he said
I looked at Blake and Daniel and he turned around
He signaled them to go upstairs and they followed his orders while Blake was laughing

Of course he knew what i wanted to say

"Everything's alright?" He asked concerned
"Yeah,it's just a stupid thing"
"Then why are you acting like that" he said laughing
He grabbed the other half of my sandwich and signaled me to continue
"Well,I met a guy,he's funny and very well-mannered-"
He started to cough and pointed at the water bottle near me,I handed it to him.
"Jeez,calm down" I said rolling my eyes
"Sorry,it's just weird for me. Who's this guy?"
"You know him"
He looked at me with a confused expression
"One of the team? I'm sure they would've told me"
"It's not one of them" I replied looking down

Gosh why it is so hard?

"Then who is it"
I looked up and then straight in his eyes
"Carson Anderson"
He had his mouth wide opened
"Excuse me?"
"The one from the hockey team? That Carson Anderson?"
I nodded
"Holy fucking shit"
"Among all of the boys in that school you chose that son of a bitch?"
"Look Josh I didn't knew the past between the two of you,you never told me anything,Blake told me the story about Mia-"
"Blake knew that?!"

He was now shouting


He arrived immediately followed by Daniel and I knew that they never left. I glared at him but he was already doing the same
"Why the fuck you didn't tell me anything" asked Josh
"Thank you so much Allison" said Blake and then he turned to Josh
"You know I was trying to solve this shit for you but she didn't wanna listen"
"You should've told me,that boy is a psycho" said Josh
"People change,just because you fought for that girl doesn't mean that he's the bad guy"
The three of them looked at each other and then back at me. Josh was red
"You've been in this school for 2 weeks and you think that you know everything but listen to me Allison;that guy is the worst that you can find in that school" he said
"He's always been very polite and well-mannered" I replied
"Yeah no shit maybe he's faking it and just want to get in your pants?!" He shouted

Hearing this from you brother hurted a lot

"That's not true;if you want to talk about people that just want to get in girl's pants you should talk to Blake and leave me alone" I spitted out

Wish I never did

"Chill out kid don't ever talk about me like that" said Blake glaring at me
"We're not talking about him right now" said Josh
"Yes we are. If you're so concerned about Carson you should be concerned about Blake too because he does the same things" I said getting up
"Allison-" Daniel tried to warn me

Blake had a scary look on his face,I didn't knew what it meant

"Stop this nonsense Allison,Blake has nothing to do about it,you're not going to hang out with Carson and that's it"
"You're not my dad!" I shouted,I was crying from the rage. They didn't understand me

"Don't you know Josh? They already hang out,more than once actually" said Blake

I looked at him with pity. I didn't expected that from him
"How do you know?" Asked Josh
"I saw them,at the parking lot of the beach,at night"
"Stop it" I was almost begging him not to add more
Josh looked between me and Blake,he knew that there was more but he was going to ask Blake later on
"I hate being this kind of brother but do you know what the say about him? He had sex with a teacher and he had a threesome with some sophomores last yer and someone said that they pressed charges against him because the girls were forced"
"Y'all just like to ruin each other reputation,if they really pressed charges against him he would've be in prison"
"He's rich Allison,fucking use that smart brain of yours"

I looked at him with disgust,I didn't wanna continue this conversation anymore.

As I walked past Blake to go in my room I could feel his stare on me
"That's was low" I said before going upstairs and shutting my door


I woke up around 2 a.m. I spent the whole remaining day crying. I liked Carson,he's never showed a hint of disrespect and he's a well mannered guy and I hate the fact that they judge him. In the past I would've listen to Josh but I'm almost 18 now and I have to use my own brain,he doesn't know everything and nobody should listen to the fake accusations.

-you up?

It was late at night so I wasn't really expecting an answer but my phone immediately rang

-Carson: looks like it

I laughed

-Carson: trouble to sleep?
-kind of,i had a big fight with my brother
-Carson: that sucks,about what?
-actually about you
-Carson: yeah I knew that it was coming honestly
-Carson: me and your brother are not in good terms
-yeah I know
-Carson: but I just want to tell you that nothing that they said it's true. Please don't believe the false accusations,I don't wanna be painted like the bad guy.
-I know that you're not a bad guy
-Carson: I really appreciate it Allison
-I think that I'm going to sleep
-Carson: see you tomorrow Al

Now I was feeling better,I trusted him.

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