Chapter 43

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Kijimi City was an ancient, once-grand city that had been slowly carved into a snowy mountainside over the course of centuries. Its cobblestone streets twisted at steep, narrow angles, and slippery steps lined in ice and snow had caused more than one unwary person to regret their visit.

Poe hurried down an alleyway, the hood of his coat tight against his face, his breath frosting the air. Snow flurried down, making every step slick and dangerous.

He was lightheaded, his heart pattered fast, and he felt a tight headache coming on. He knew from experience that a body adjusted to the altitude eventually, but he hoped they wouldn't be around long enough. In the meantime, he couldn't afford to get altitude sickness.

As we traveled, we took lots of slow deep breaths to give our bodies as much oxygen to work with as possible.

It was nighttime, but like all large cities, Kijimi never quite slept. Oil lamps, sodium sconces, and the occasional cantina window pooled light onto the flagstone streets. We tried to avoid them all, sticking to darkness.

Because First Order troopers were everywhere.

I watched from the shadows as a group of troopers pounded on a door, demanding entry. Down the street a way, I found a small family huddled beneath an overhang, trying to disappear into the stone. Another turn, another set of steps, and I watched a snowtrooper drag a tiny, wailing girl away from her mother.

I wished there was something I could do to help.

There was. Finding that droidsmith, translating the dagger, and obliterating the Star Destroyer fleet could put a stop to all of this for good. I just had to figure out how.

Poe guided us to the Thieves' Quarter, and the alleys narrowed. A noxious stink made us wince. The sewer was backed up. Which meant one of the criminal syndicates had taken over this territory. Probably the Intracluster Gatherers, who were notorious for deferring maintenance, letting basic amenities like plumbing and power fall into disrepair just to save a few credits.

I could tell it broke Poe's heart a little. His memories of Kijimi were a mixed bag at best, but he hated to see the place even more run down, strangled by First Order occupation. It was happening in the Yavin system, on Corellia, and now even distant worlds like Pasaana weren't safe. The First Order burned away everything that made the galaxy light and beautiful. Kijimi, like so many others, was now a shadow of what it used to be.

Rey, Finn, Poe and I wore long, dark cloaks to help hide our true identities. We were on the list for most wanted by the First Order, and there was no way we could afford the time it would take to get captured. Even C-3PO wore a hooded cloak. The protocol droid had informed Poe that his internal thermostat made a coat unnecessary, but thanked him nonetheless. Poe had ordered C-3PO to keep his hood up over his bright, stupid, golden head no matter what.

Only BB-8 and his tiny new friend went undisguised.

"Snowtroopers are everywhere," Poe told us all. "We gotta find another way around."

"Then I suggest we leave," C-3PO said, too loudly. "Who votes we leave?"

"3PO, clam it," Poe ordered. Did the droid ever modulate the volume of his voice? "Follow me."

We'd only gone two steps before Poe stopped us again.

The cone-headed droid was squealing like a dying rodent. "Is there anything we can do about that?" he asked.

"Master Poe," C-3PO said. "I will carry him."

He leaned down, scooped up the tiny droid, and cradled him under his arm. Rey reached over and pulled C-3PO's coat closed, shrouding them both.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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