Chapter 2

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Sitting inside her home, she hands me a cup of water. I take it graciously and gulp the entirety of it down.

"You must have been traveling for a while." She tells me, taking a seat next to me while BB-8 powers down for a while. "What's your name?"

"Annie. Annie Solo."

"So where are you from, really?" She raises her eyebrow at me.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask her. She nods. "I'm with the resistance. My droid and I need to get back to base. As soon as possible."

"The resistance? I've never met a resistance fighter before."

"Well, now you have. I'm a captain, one of the best..." I trail off, thinking about Poe. I hope that he made it out alive.

"A captain? So you're a pilot?"

"Yes, and a Damn good one if I might add." I say, slightly boasting. "Who are you? What's your story?"

"I'm Rey. My parents had to leave, so I'm stuck here until they return." She tells me, looking down at the ground. I can see a bit of pain in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. This is one hell of a place to be stuck at." I place a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, Uh, we should rest. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow." She says, grabbing me a blanket and another cup of water.

"Thank you, for your hospitality."

"Thank you for your service against the First Order."


"Don't give up." Rey tells BB-8 and I as we arrive into town on her speeder. "He still might show up. Whoever it is you're waiting for. I know all about waiting."

BB-8 is dropped to the sand and beeps out a question, asking her who she's waiting for.

"For my family. They'll be back. One day." She mutters and begins walking into the small village. "Come on." She tried to force a smile, but can't. Then heads off. I glance at BB-8.

"Don't ask." I tell him and we begin to follow her.

We head towards a large man. He stands on the other side of a window and Rey hands him a few metal artifacts for him to inspect. He reviews her goods and then glances at my droid.

"These five pieces are worth... let me see here... one half portion." He tells her.

"Last week they were a half portion each." She objects. I can tell she hates him.

He leans forwards. "What about the droid?"

"What about him?" Rey asks. I glance to BB-8.

"I'll pay for him." BB-8 and I don't like this at all. But Rey stands their awkwardly, slightly curious. The man pulls out multiple portions and sets them on the counter. "Sixty portions."

She walks up to the counter and places her hand on the pile. Then looks back at us. I clear my throat.

"Um, excuse me? He's not for sale." I state angrily at the man. He huffs at me and looks back to Rey. She then grabs the one half portion.

"She's right. He's not." And we turn back and walk away.

"For a moment there, I thought you were about to sell my droid." I tell her, annoyed.

"For a moment there so did I." She tells me. I glare at her. "But then I snapped back to reality."

"Good thing, too." I tell her, kneeling down to BB-8, "Because I'm not as forgiving as I look."

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