chapter 2!!

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pov Perseus
Monday June 3rd office

I felt a little offended that the omega thought we couldn't work together. Maybe he thought I didn't understand that shit or something but it was rude. Now I felt bad tho the omega mumbling on about how frustrated he felt today. I walked behind him rubbing my neck as he stomped down the hall arms crossed. I know half the reason I cared was because my crush on the rude omega. He was a bit mean and shit to me. But with his cute face I couldn't care less. Just watching him stomp away all mad and cute his little butt bouncing as he stomped my heart skipped. He was even cuter mad.

I opened my mouth to say sorry to the cutie. When that rude ass omega opened the office door slaming it before I could go in. He looked back at me from the door window a glare. Proud of his little win. I tsked at the cute thing checking into the office as I walked in. You could see what I mean when i say he's rude. But I like him. Like a lot.

"We got sent here for an argument." He explained with a groan, the desk lady looking up annoyed. She rolled her eyes like we were bugging instead of asking her to do her job.

"You can go in he isn't busy." Daniel nodded to the lady us walking into the office of principal Smith. He looked up at us smiling. He was a new teacher this year meaning he took his job very seriously but had lots of happiness and passion still. I guess years of teaching hadn't taken it from him yet. You could tell the other teachers hated him for it too. the new hippie teacher.

"Hey boys what's going on today?" He asked kindly, I groaned. I just had to mess with this brat and end up somewhere more boring then class.

"We just got sent here for disturbing the class." Daniel groaned putting his hands on his hips. The principle chuckles a bit nodding.

"Oh well I don't think you need a punishment. Just be mindful of your class mates your a cute couple but don't disturb your class to talk." My mouth fell open, I wanted to say we weren't but I couldn't. My body didn't want that. Daniel panicked, stumbling and stuttering over his words.

"What are you saying?" He scolded the principle. "I-we no we wouldn't- we're not-" He just couldn't get it out either I guess. The principle blushed feeling embarrassed.

"Oh my apologies I just get so many couples in here. You too go study in the library and hopefully you won't disturb another class or that will be a penalty." We nodded leaving the room with red on our faces. He walked ahead clearly flustered by the assumption we had something flirty.

It was more so sad when I thought about it. I liked an omega who literally hates my guts!


pov Daniel
Monday June 3rd Library

We sat in the detention room silently as I cursed my day to myself. It was like he knew I felt some way today asking me a question.

"What's wrong? Had a bad day?" He nodded his head to me asking like it was a normal conversation between us two. I rolled my eye's crossing my arms making him groan.

"None of your business, your the one who made it worse anyway." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever your annoying anyway" He said making me glare. "I'm just playing don't get mad."

"Don't play with me" I said back making him laugh at my responses. This is our problem he just laughs like I'm his fucking friend. It's cause he thinks I'm a joke.

"Whatever" He said with a smirk sitting back in his chair. As he pulled out his phone completely ignoring me now like a asshole. I rolled my eyes again getting out my history notes to make sure they were perfect. If not the teacher will fail you for the day. He sat up seeing my notes. "Shit let me copy that yeah" He said snatching my notebook as I said no.

"Give it back" I whined like a child

"No let me do it real quick." He tsked taking out his as I reached for the book. I got a loose hold on the book making him whined to me so he could copy it. "Come on please" He begged making me blush a bit. "Omega" He said making me immediately let go as I turned all red and hot. He smirked sitting he did his notes. I sighed rolling my eyes, I grabbed my water bottle from my bag. I needed to get out of here after that embarrassing moment. I went to the water fountain that let you fill your bottle. Still red and confused why I let him use my notes.

Ugh why'd I get flustered?!!


pov Perseus
Monday June 3rd, lunch

I sat at the table my friends there waiting. Sevyn dabbed me up as I sat.

"What up?" Sevyn said "Bro I was thinking about your party let's invite your crush." He said making me roll my eyes. They know I like Daniel they make fun but I don't care. They don't see how cute his rude ass is.

"Bruh what?" I huffed

"Dude come on I just met one of his friends. He's just beautiful I need to get to know him." Sevyn begged

"Who knows maybe Daniel will let you hit too." Joshua said making me red

"Shut your mouth fuck no he wouldn't." I hissed making him laugh at me getting flustered and stuff.

"Still bro you want him right? Cause you don't even be trying with his ass." Sevyn tsked "just do this maybe it will have him thinking about you." I rolled my eyes sighing.

"Look I know you want him to go so I will." I groaned.

"Okay let's go ask him then" He hurried me making me groan.

"Bruh" He got up pointing to them

"Come on they over there." I got up following my annoying ass friend. He whispered to me about the one of Daniel's friend he liked. His friends were Ashionee, Adolleys and Rogelio. He liked Dolly for obvious reasons he was pretty.

"We were in art class and I don't know I just felt something between us. He just got my heart going." He explained, I sighed thinking of my crush on Daniel. I can't believe Sevyn might start dating his friend before I could even get him to look at me without a glare. Once we got there Daniel crossed his arms. Already giving me attitude.

"What?" He asked making me chuckle

"He wants to invite you too his birthday." Sevyn said "you guys too of course" He said smiling to Dolly. Daniel looked at us suspiciously.

"Oh cool when?" His friend Ashi asked.

"Friday we're gonna party and shit cause my parents are leaving." I explained

"Okay that li-" Daniel cut his friends off glaring at me.

"Perseus Marango I don't trust you why are really inviting me." He huffed making me blush he really is adorable. I rolled my eyes wishing I had an answer to that.

"Just come, damn" I tsked leaning the table as Sevyn waved shyly to Dolly before following.

It was a little weird but my heart felt weird knowing Daniel just might be at my party. It was my first birthday party since we were kids he went to. As kids we were forced to go to each other's parties him still hating me. And me with a crush. But once we got older he wasn't forced so he wouldn't come.

I guess today's just my day

he hates my guts!!Where stories live. Discover now