chapter 21!!

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pov Rogelio
Friday June 7th

Ashio said he hates me, he slapped me and said he hates me. The person who means everything to me. The omega who's my best friend, my therapist, my life advisor, basically my everything. What did I do?

"Ro! Rogelio Jaime Jimenez!!" I snapped out my head to Daniel. The crazy midget I befriend in elementary and is now one of my best friends.

"Daniel? How long have you been standing here?" I asked him confused as he looked up at me.

"What's up? Your sad" He said nodding his head up to me.

"I-" I sighed a bit deciding if I need anyone's help it's Daniel. He'll understand why Ashee hates me. "Ashee just he slapped me" His eyes widened "I I think I hurt his feelings or something." Daniel shock his head a bit.

"Why what happened?"

"Well you know Naomi well she was kinda pissed I blow her off. I felt bad she was telling me how much I hurt her feelings. I mean it was just a kiss we both knew that I told her it didn't mean. But I don't know Ashee saw us and he got awkward with me. Then I tried to talk to him but he, he said he hated me." I sighed

"Oh" Daniel trailed off seemingly thinking hard about something. "Gosh Ro, well if you think that's why he's mean. Then why, do you think he's jealous, or maybe felt betrayed. What do you think." Why would Ashee be jealous? He doesn't care about me. Well romantically we're friends

"I-i don't know, maybe he's just mad I gave into Naomi. I mean he knows I don't fuck with her. He's probably just mad I gave into to the pressure." Daniel kinda rolled his eyes putting on a smile as he patted my shoulder.

"Yeah sure buddy if that's what you think he's mad about." He kinda sighed "Go talk to him he probably really wants you to reassure him about today. And well you want that reassurance too right." I nodded

"I knew you'd tell me what to do. But are you sure do you even have a ride home." He nodded

"Dude my boyfriends parents has three cars. I'm good" we both laughed as we waved bye. Then I was on my way to see why Ashee hates me.


pov Ashionee
Friday June 7th

I whipped my eyes as the Uber stopped at my house. Yeah I cried the whole way here. Yeah it's pathetic I blow up for no reason. And yeah I'm so embarrassed, Rogelio probably thinks I'm crazy. I'm acting like a crazy girlfriend and we're not even together. He doesn't like me or even know my feelings so what I did was crazy. Would he even want to talk to me after being so crazy. I opened the door grabbing my bag.

"Bye doll face" The weird driver cat called and I was too depressed to even call him an ugly bastard. I slammed the door walking fastly inside to go cry into my pillow. Luckily mommy and daddy were out tonight. Or they'd kill me.. well everything from my outfit to being out so late at night. And let's not forget how mad they'd be if they knew I was crying over a boy. Not just any boy too,, the hot soccer guy they hate but I promised was just my best friend.

I stomped up stairs after locking my door. Throwing my purse and shoes as I ugly cried up the stairs. I'll clean before my parents arrive tomorrow so I just left all my stuff right there. I ran to my room slamming the door as I fell onto the bed. I don't hate Roro, I just hated the feelings I got see them kiss. Ugh why couldn't I just suffered to myself instead I hurt him for nothing. I should call him I really do miss him and want to say sorry.
No what am I saying?!

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