chapter 14!!

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pov Daniel
Friday June 7th, just arrived

I was too excited to see Perseus. As soon as we parked I went in looking for my boyfriend of today. Wanting maybe a compliment and a hug. I walked in ignoring people and pushing passed. Looking for the alpha I'm dating and used to be my enemy. I finally spotted him from the glass sliding door. I happily skipped over going to open the door when the entrance was blocked. I tsked a bit looking at Micky the most annoying guy in our grade.

"Wow Daniel you like look hot." His friend laughed at his words as I glared up at him.

"Eww don't ever say that too me again." I groaned. "I'm going to see the birthday boy, he's my BOYFRIEND. So like move" Him and his friends laughed at my words as he moved. Allowing me to go out and see my boyfriend. I rolled my eyes once more before going back to skipping to my Persy. It was like a movie scene, he turned around as soon as I got to him. He looked down my body shocked, as I walked over throwing my arms around him. He immediately held my waist tightly.

"You look good baby" He whispered into my ear then kissing my cheek. Before checking me out again as we let go. "Damn baby" I giggled rolling my eyes and hitting at his chest.

"Stop Persy" I whined hugging him again, since I was shy and cold in this outfit. "Don't make me blush" I scolded him playfully making him laugh as he held me back. The warmth of his body holding mine made me immediately feel comfortable. We even forgot everyone we know is watching.

"What the fuck? Are you guys dating now?" Jericho his brother asked.

"Oh shit" Sevyn said walking over with his boyfriend(Dolly), Rogelio and Ashionee. I told my friends but everyone else was confused. Since just this morning we hated each other. Then he took me on a date.

"What?! When did this happen!?" Amadis said more excited then anything.

"Today huh baby" He said with the cutest smile as he kissed my cheek. I nodded shyly knowing everyone here was completely shocked and confused we were together. I mean I get it but I don't want to answer questions about our relationship. All they need to know now is I made him mine.

"Yeahh while y'all were at school" I bragged, I got a boyfriend and a day off from school.

"We started dating today too." Adolleys gushed holding onto Sevyn's arm cutely. He'll probably be so clingy with Sev but he better love it. Cause my friends the full package. Just adorable and one of the most kindest people you'll meet in the world.

"You know that's why I invited you'll to my party. Cause Sev was trying to ask you out?" Persy playfully called out Sev making him blush. Dolly went aww looking up at his boyfriend.

"That's sweet Sev" He gushed just making Sev more flustered.

"Well let's not forget how bad of a crush Perseus has on Daniel, even before today." Macario said making me look at my boyfriend shocked.

"You've had a crush on me?" I asked shocked, I know it seems normal to have had been crushing or liked your partner before you both start dating. But not for us I guess or just me. Today was the first day I've ever truly seen Perseus and the kind of person he is. I guess the petty arguments and bullying that happened when we were children made me dismiss him.

"Yeah" He said rolling his eyes as his friends and brothers laughed. I hugged him around his neck again. Shy we just told everyone about us. But it also felt good, I just wish I could stop thinking about Dama now.

I know I shouldn't worry myself, I just can't help it tho.


pov Sol
Friday June 7th, at the park

I was planning on going to Persy party since he invited me. But now that I hurt Macario and did that with Joshua how could I. Martin scolded me for helping Joshua cheat and told me how stupid I am for even trusting him in the first place. I couldn't tell if he cared about me or just thought I was embarrassing and gross. He was right tho, I made myself look so bad. And him being my (step)brother of course he felt uncomfortable everyone talking about my sex life. And sending those gross pictures of me around. Joshua was mad I broke them up after he was already done with me. And sent them to everyone in school. I felt a kinda relief that I didn't send any completely naked. But it wasn't much since I was practically naked in small underwear. It was so embarrassing, this is literally the worse day of my whole life.

"Hey" I jumped looking to my side. I was surprised someone came here this was a mini playground hidden in the middle of the housing complex I live in. "What are you doing here?" I was a little freaked out being out at night alone. It was practically pitch black except the street lights. I stood up getting ready to run back to my family's home. "S-sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He step out from under the tree and I allowed my chest to fall. Finally allowing myself to breath no longer in fear.

"Oh my gosh" I sighed hitting his arm. "You scared me umm.. buddy" I said not remembering if I told him my name and he told me his. He laughed at my attempt to cover up.

"Miguel and you?" I smiled shyly

"Sol" I said and we both gave each other a smile. "Where are you going?" I asked him, he looked ready to do something. Probably go to a friend's.

"I'm going to Persy party" I was a bit sad, I wished I could keep his company. But that's a bit selfish. "Why are you out here alone? Isn't it a little dangerous?" He said concernedly

"Oh yeah but my family's apartments right there, if anything I'll just run home. I just like coming out here for air sometimes." He nodded

"Me too I'm surprised I've never seen you around here." I chuckled a bit, he's right I don't go outside much. Well at all unless, I'm selling weed for Martinez. I know I'm a lazy hermit.

"Yeah I just don't go out much, I don't like to walk either I rather get a ride from my step dad." He nodded along laughing a bit.

"Yeah well my mom never gives me rides. She says if I wanna go I gotta walk." We both laughed a bit again. It was like we were in sync we both sat at the lunch table I was recently seated at. "So how many siblings do you have?" He asked me

"Well my mom has two and my step dad three. But our oldest sister just went to college." He nodded along to my words.

"I only got two older brothers but.." He sighed "I haven't seen them in years." I wondered why but couldn't ask, I didn't want to intrude. "Hey Martinez right he's your brother?" He asked next, I nodded as yes.

"Yeah my step brother but yeah" I said with a giggle.

"Oh cool, I used to buy weed from him." He said making me laugh a bit. Yup that's how most people know Martin from selling stuff at school. Mostly weed but he was in the snacks and school supplies business as well.

"Really who do you buy from now." I asked playfully

"My mom has a medical card. Sometimes she buys me stuff when I'm too stressed or anxious." I nodded

"Ohh okay, my step dad does that for Martin but they'd freak out if they knew I was smoking it too." Not to mention I sell to all the customers Martin hates to deal with. Mostly annoying omegas and jock alphas. If someone he didn't enjoy asked to buy weed from him he'd just send them to me.

He's dramatic right?

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