chapter 18!!

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pov Perseus
Friday June 7th

I was having a good time don't get me wrong. But I just wished everyone would leave. Me and Daniel couldn't even sit and just talk. I wanted to kiss on him, feel him, everything. But since I couldn't be gone for a second without someone looking for us we sat on the outdoor couch. We got kisses in here there, he let me hold his waist but I wanted more. I just wanted to pull him close but we were crowded. He laid his head on my shoulder holding my arm to his chest. He sighed a bit cutely.

"What time does your party end?" I chuckled a bit he clearly wanted it to be me and him alone too.

"Want it too?" I asked

"I know that seems mean" He said sitting up but I agreed. "But I just want you know to be with my boyfriend." He looked around rolling his eyes a bit. "And just my boyfriend" He frowned. I chuckled with a nod.

"Nah baby me too. Fuck I wish I didn't tell these niggas the party would end at 1." He pouted his lip crossing his arm. "Aww I know I'm sorry, I want us to be alone too. I'm sorry" I kissed his head as he hugged my neck.

"It's okay let's have fun with your friends. It's your birthday" He stood up grabbing my hand I stood up with him. As he pulled me over to the table. "Let's take a drink" He smiled back at me. I nodded grabbing us shot glasses. Refusing to let go of his hand, even as we poured us drink. He giggled as I pulled him to my chest. Our hands over his waist as we held each other's hands. He kissed my face all cute as he stood under me cutely.

"Ready" I said as we both held the shot glasses. He nodded and we both took them at the sametime. He slammed the shot on the table taking the shot with a gag. As i laughed.

"Aghh disgusting" He said

"I know baby I know" I laughed patting his back. I kissed his head again.

"Nene?" Daniel step from my chest looking at his friend Ashionee. "Have you seen Roro?" He asked him, Daniel shaking his head no.

"I haven't seen him since we were taking shots." His friend sighed a bit pouting. He was clearly crushing on they're friend Rogelio.

"Can you help me find him?" He asked Daniel, who looked back at me.

"Is that okay with you?" He asked me silently.

"Of course baby I'll be missing you tho." I said clingy but playfully. I giggled kissing my cheek before going off with them. I sighed now having to find Sevyn. If he's not being all couplely with Adolleys that is.


pov Ashionee
Friday June 7th

I held Daniel's arm interlock with mine. As I pouted

"What's wrong?" He asked me

"It's nothing I'm jealous over a guy who's not mine I'm being stupid." I told my best friend. Dolly and Daniel knew about my crush. They even say I should ask him out. But he probably doesn't see me how I see him.

"Aww Ashee don't be so hard on yourself. When you know you know, and you know you love love Rogelio. So don't be so hard on yourself, I'd be jealous too." I didn't want to talk about my broken heart. So in love with the alpha who only sees me as a friend. I decided to bring up Daniel's own love life, with his new boyfriend.

"Yeah, but like can we talk about you and Perseus." I wiggled my eye brows. He blushed rolling his eyes since he thinks I'll bully him about it. Well a little but I still think they're so cute.

"It just you know came out of nowhere, suddenly Persy was this kind guy who only had eyes for me. It was just so crazy the guy I thought hated me the most just had an aggressive crush on me." I chuckled a bit

"Well you kinda started the aggression." He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow.

"Me! He started bullying me in kindergarten." He defended

"Only because you embarrassed him." I said surprised he didn't remember how he humiliated Persy in front of the whole school. It was our first day of Kindergarten of course Perseus held that grudge.

"What do you mean I'm completely innocent?!" He pouted angerly

"Baby you made him cry in front of everyone. Don't you think you were kinda the bully." He thought about that day gasping a bit.

"Oh my gosh your right" He snorted a laugh "I did, I made Perseus Marango cry his first day of school." I expected Daniel to feel bad about what he did to his boyfriend. But he found it more so amusing he made the 5 year old cry in the Assembly Hall. In front of literally everyone in school. My best friend was a bit crazy laughing at how him and his boyfriend used to bully each other.


pov Amadis
Friday June 7th

Now that I've been to a party I could say they are boring!! All day i stuck to Osiahus like a lost puppy. But now I regretted it as Carla came over to flirt with him. That old bitch, she's a senior and I hate her. Why can't she flirt with someone her age!!??

"Siahus oh my gosh I haven't seen you all night." She squealed throwing her arms over his neck. I squeezed the water bottle in my hand. Osiahus looked unentertained stepping out that witches hold. He chuckled a bit seemingly uneasy.

"Hey um you know Amadis?" He pointed towards me, making her smile disappear immediately.

"Oh yeah, how's your brother?" She asked uninterested with an eye roll.

"Well it's his birthday and his party how do you think." I said annoyed, I rolled my eyes and decided to leave the two. I mean what fantasy am I living in. Where Osi actually likes me back. Never ever in a million years.
I know it's sad...


pov Osiahus
Friday June 7th

Right when I was building my courage to tell Amadis how I felt Carla annoying ass has to come and make him jealous. How could I tell her to fuck off with out being too rude.

"Wow is he like upset" She said just knowing what she did. How did she know that would get Amadis jealous. She's probably a witch.

"Yeah, hey I want to ask a girl this question." She nodded excitedly "How should I ask Amadis out, I mean he's just the most perfect thing in the world so I kinda have been stressing over it for awhile now." She glared at me crossing her arms.

"How am I supposed to know, just get that bitch some flowers or something." That worked as she stomped away to go find her next alpha victim. I chuckled at the success of my plan, walking inside to go find my crush.

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