chapter 10!!

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pov Amadis
Friday June 7th, 7th

My twin is pretty stupid I'll admit that. But at least he loves Maca right. As soon as Macy left the hall crying or yelling for some reason. Everyone was watching it was clear Joshua that asshole hurt him. Jericho smaller and weaker went to Joshua.

"What's your problem asshole?" He said pushing the older guy.

"Mind your own business Romeo." He pushed him back but my brother with his crush in mind decided that was calling for a fight. I gasped as Jerry punched the junior student. I was more surprised Joshua actually felt it stepping back as he began to bleed. "Bitch ass kid" Joshua cursed punching Jericho back, Jerry had to just take that one to the face. As he tackled Joshua. It didn't give him the advantage as he thought tho. Only getting a couple of cheap hits. Before Joshua somehow found himself pinning down Jericho. At this moment staff was struggling to get involved due to the huge amount of kids watching and cheering. I was blocked from view but felt bad knowing my twin brothers probably getting his ass whooped. I pushed into the crowd I needed to help.

"Hold this pleased" I look to my side seeing Osiahus. I blushed nodding and immediately taking the alphas bag. Osiahus is one of those hot mysterious guys, he's quiet and calm but such a gentlemen. He's everything anyway could ever dream of. I was so lost in Osiahus handsome scowl I didn't even remember my brother was fighting. Till I saw Osi jumping in. I gasped panicking again. Till I noticed he was helping my twin. He kicked Joshua in his side getting him off. But he didn't wait for Josh to react he kicked him again while he was down. The teachers were finally actually getting in the middle. With the school security guards putting Jericho, Osiahus and Joshua in plastic zip tie cuffs. Even tho two of them were dizzy and contust from the fight.

I went over to Osiahus. And my brother two of course sitting with them.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" I asked my brother putting my sleeve to his bleeding eyebrow.

"Damn dude you took some hits" Osiahus said to him

"Yeah I really did fuck I feel like my heads throbbing." I started to worry a bit about my twin.

"Let me go ask for an ice pack." I said getting up. "Oh and like thank you Osi" I said

"Is that your nickname for me?" He asked making me blush as he smirk. "It's cool" He said as my face was heated. I turned away flustered now going to get my brother an ice pack.


pov Perseus
Friday June 7th, buffet

I was really jealous of the attention that baby gets from Daniel. I didn't know there was someone in the word he treated so kindly. I could tell Daniel was jealous too tho. When Dama wants me and ask me to feed him my food. Since Daniel is getting salads from an all you could eat.

"More please" Dama begged cutely pointing at my spoon. I smirk at Daniel as he frown. I pulled Dama to my side of the table.

"But Damyy you love cherry tomatoes, remember baby tomatoes. They're cute aren't they" Daniel tried to bribe him back to his side of the table. But the baby shock his head pointing at my plate.

"No mommy pita" He said mispronouncing pizza. I was getting cheese and pepperoni on the spoon for him to eat. So I didn't have to cut up the bread for his tiny teeth.

"You chunky little" Daniel huffed eating his salad.

"Why don't you eat actually food?" I asked

"I already ate a lot at the movie, I'll get bloated." He said making me chuckle a bit.

"Really that was all snacks tho." I said "Come on eat some actually protein." I bugged him

"I don't know since later tonight we'll be drinking I don't really want to over eat." I understood nodding

"Tank you" The baby was whispering to me shyly as he grabbed my spoon arm. "More now please" He demanded smiling up at me. I guess the thank you was just a set up for him demanding food after.

I went along anyway feed the cute bald baby more foods. This time the buttery mash potatoes. His eyes lit up as he took the buffet spoon sucking on it. Me and Daniel made eye contact laughing at the fat toddler.

"You like it?" Daniel asked him. He smiled big popping off the spoon to give us an answer.

"Yes it's berry yummy" He said with a big smile.


Friday June 7th, leaving

It was sad I had to drop off the two. I held Dama in my arm as I grabbed Daniel's hand he blushed. Hiding his face in my arm.

"Persy what are we doing?" He asked me in a whiney tone. "I can't be holding your hand and stuff and you can't be taking me out." I laughed a little as he didn't even try to take his hand from mine. He was probably just saying that from embarrassment. I mean if someone from school saw us we'd die right here. They'd probably think Damariso's our son too. That would actually be cute tho.

"Why not?" I said back whining along. "I like you holding my hand and me taking you out." We stopped at the car as he took Dama from me I opened the doors.

"Perseus, stop playing with me tell me when this is all gonna end." He whined, I looked back at him. I was confused why he thought I was playing today being nice and taking him out. His lip was pouted, as he held Dama head to his chest. The baby sitting on his hip as he looked up at me.

"I don't want it to end do you. I don't know about you but I wouldn't take someone I was just playing with out and spend a whole day together basically." He still looked at me pouty and cautious. Why was he so insistent I was playing with his heart?

"Yeah but like, I don't want to be played dumb. If your gonna be you know taking me out and stuff your gonna have to protect me. I'm not used to being hurt I'm a cry baby." He said with a cute sad pout. I could tell he was really scared but it was adorable to me. Like I'd ever play him. I've been wanting to date him since I was 5. I've literally never been with anyone else or crushed on anyone else.

If anyone's gonna get hurt it's me right.

"Baby I'll protect you from the devil if I have to." I said making him blush. I tried to move in for a kiss at least on the cheek. But it wasn't Damariso approved as he finally got tired of being stuck between us. My lips tried to kiss his cheek and Dama slapped me straight in the mouth. His mom gasping with some laughter, it didn't hurt me but it was a pretty loud hit for a 1 year old.

"Dama don't hit Persy, I know he shouldn't be kissing mommy in front of you. But don't abuse him." The son glared at me as his mom made light laughing at me.

"Dama I thought you liked me now?" I asked the toddler confused as he huffed hugging his mom's neck.

A brat just like Daniel, I thought chuckling to myself. I then drove the two home at the trailer park.

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