chapter 15!!

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pov Miguel
Friday June 7th, at the mini park

I totally forgot about the party and Persy. Lost in everything Sol wanted to say. It wasn't till both my best friends called at the same time. It was Sevyn and Macario.

I answered who ever popped up recently. Answering Macario, he immediately began to yell on the other side it was too loud for him to hear.

"Where are you Gueyo?!" He asked me "Do you need a ride I'll send Sev?" He asked another question. It made me smile he care about me like he was my mother.

"Nah nah I decided to umm" I looked at Sol blushing. I really didn't want to go, I mean I'll just be standing alone while everyones making out. This way I could just spend one on one time with my new friends who company I like. "I'm gonna stay home, it's it's not a good night for me." I made an excuse

"Oh okay I'll see you later Gueyo." I nodded

"Okay" He hung up and Sol looked at me guilty.

"You don't have to stay, you could go have fun." He said

"Nah those things are allows awkward and crowded for me. I rather stay with you here.. if if that's okay of course?" I chuckled nervously

"Yeah of course, if I'm being honest I wanted you too." He said making us both blush. "You wanna come to my house, you could meet my step brothers?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure" I smiled


pov Macario
Friday June 7th

I sat with Daniel just listening to him talk about they're cute little date.

"Yeah and it was so sweet cause he let me take my bab- i-i mean nephew to go eat with us after. He didn't want our date to be over yet so he took us to both eat." He smiled cutely gushing over his boyfriend. It was adorable, this is how a omega should talk about they're partner. With a huge smile just completely Infatuated with each other.  I never had that for Joshua... "What's wrong?" He asked me

"Oh sorry was I frowning" I chuckled nervously, he nodded a bit.

"Yeah, tell me what's wrong." He said putting his hand on mine. I blushed, I hadn't really had omega friends are they always this nice.

"Hey baby want some jungle juice." Perseus passed him a cup sitting with us. Jericho following his brother around sat next to me shyly. Waving at me as he sat beside me I smiled with a blush.

"Yeah sure but me and Macy are talking, I think we need some alone time." Daniel said wanting to help me, but he didn't have to push his boyfriend away for me.

"No it's fine, i-i was just thinking you know. Like I never felt for Joshua what you do for Persy, i didn't want to trust him I forced myself to. Cause he was my first boyfriend." All three of them looked at me concernedly. "But it doesn't matter" I laughed awkwardly taking Jericho's drink and drink half. "I mean I don't care, we're done and we never really actually felt like how you two do." I laughed again but no one was amused by my continuous ranting.

"You know it's not bad thing to you know care." Jericho mumbled a bit, I looked at him shocked and confused. "I mean like I know he wasn't good enough for you and of course there's the whole you not having actually feelings. But it's okay to care about the other stuff, like him cheating or him lying. Cause at the end of the day at least you respected yourself enough to end it as soon as you felt used. You should care about your first relationship experience, it's an example of your character and your strength since you stood up for yourself you know." Me and the couple where dumbfounded by Jericho's words. But it was more then enough to put me at ease. No one could ever do it like Jericho he made me feel confident. I felt my eyes tear up as I hug the sweet younger brother of my best friend. He hugged me back shyly but it was cute.

My cheeks turned red as I caught myself taking in his scent. I scolded myself for comforting myself with my friends brothers scent. I can't let myself over step what if Perseus hates that or Amadis.

"You know it's crazy I was gonna beat Joshua's ass. But then I heard Jerry and Osiahus jumped his ass." Perseus said laughing, I gasped a bit pulling back.

"You guys jumped him?" I asked him amused but shocked.

"Well imma be honest he was kinda winning, so my man Osiahus saved my ass. He kicked that nigga in the side and knocked the air outta of him." Jericho laughed "You should've seen Osiahus he's a beast. He watch him fall just to grab his shirt and start socking the hell out of his face. But now we're expelled so.." He shrugged a bit as I rolled my eyes crossing me arms. He could tell I was mad they got in trouble. "Aww come on don't be mad I don't care about expulsion." I glared at him a bit, how could he not care.

"Don't say that you should care it's your education." I scolded him before getting up to go outside. I was mad at Jerry for fighting. But also myself for making Jericho think he's has to show me love and protect by putting him self in trouble. I won't allow that. If he doesn't care them I care 200% for both of us. He followed me I knew he did, coming to the front yard with me. I turned seeing him look at me guilt as he closed the door. "How could you say you don't care?" I said "Huh? This is your sophomore year." He smiled at me.

"Macy I love that you care so much" I blush "I really do, why do you think I'm in love with you." I gasped a bit "But it the last week of school next week so I couldn't care less about missing it. I just want to know how you feel, that's what I care about. In that moment too now all I was thinking about was you." He walked close taking my hand. He had my complete attention it was like I was lost in his heavenly features. "I don't ever want anyone to make you cry." I fell in love with ever word from him.

"Do you really truly love me?" I asked him knowing Jericho could never lie to me.

"I've loved you since I was in 5th grade." He said making us both laugh.

"Jericho, i-i wanna be with you." I asked immediately scolding myself for moving too fast. Maybe he might not like that. But he cheered jumping a bit, it startled me jumping back as he cheer yes!.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Mac it's just fuck this is crazy. There's no way you just asked me out right." I giggled going to hug his chest shyly. He held me back immediately tightening and squeezing me.

"I know do you think I'm crazy or is that okay?" I asked into his chest shyly. Of course I knew his answer with his excitement, I just needed to hear it.

"It's fine that your crazy." He said making me laugh.

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