chapter 5!!

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pov Macario
Thursday June 6th

I opened the door for Joshua, Sev left so we could be alone. I couldn't look at him with a smile right now. We had just started dating and we were already doing this shit.

"So how was Sol?" I asked as he closed the door.

"Bro stop" He laughed in my face clearly high as fuck. "Your goofy" He said hugging my waist. I pushed him away rolling my eyes.

"Be for real with me Joshua." He looked into my eyes sighing.

"Let's go to the couch baby." He took my hand and I followed. "Don't be mad I was with Sol." My eyes stinged with more tears. He tried to whipe my eyes and I pushed him. "Baby listen"

"Get away Josh your stupid get back." I pushed at his chest.

"Your the one who's dumb cause it wasn't like that. I bought some weed and we smoked so stop tripping." I whipped my eyes.

"Do you promise?" I asked him as he pulled me into his lap. He nodded on my chest as he buried his head there. It was kinda new to have someone hug me like this I've never had a boyfriend before. He kissed my cheek I blushed.

"Yes baby I promise" He kissed me again on the cheek.

"Okay as long as your honest with me. You want to help me with my homework?" I asked him.

"Why don't you ask Sev?" He groaned.

"I told him not to come cause I got upset." He laughed at me.


pov Sol
Thursday June 6th

I covered up the hickey's Joshua left. He had been coming over even tho he was talking about Macario. It made me sad he didn't admit it but I knew I was the one he was thinking about. I had a feeling he liked me and felt something with me he didn't with Maca. Martin hated we started seeing each other lowkey. I felt bad they were kinda friends I guess. But I love him. Plus I could tell him anything and I want him to tell me everything to. I want him to feel comfortable and in love too. I just have to wait till he's over Macario.


pov Daniel
Thursday June 6th

My mom said I could leave her with Damariso. Even though she was a little annoyed. I decided I was doing this tho and I just had to go through with it. I savored the night with my Dama cuddling him as he watched his bed time cartoons. With lullabies and slow paced stories. He was slowly falling asleep and so was I.


Friday June 7th, 6 am

When I got up with Dama we were both being extra clingy. It was almost like he knew we wouldn't have each other at bed time. He stayed on my hip as I did what I needed. Packing our bags, cooking us sausage and eggs. Even when I brushed my teeth. It was time to get in the car. With his bags and car seat. I had to restrap it every time since Gradir hates it. He stayed in the stroller whining as I put everything in the dirty truck. Luckily it had a back seat or me and Dama would have to sit with all his cigarette mess. Gradir looked back at me in the front seat. An inpatient and annoyed face.

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