chapter 13!!

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pov Adolleys
Friday June 7th, picking up Daniel

Me and Ashionee both grasped watching Daniel walk out. He looked fine as fuck, he never dresses so revealing. Maybe it was because it our first party. But it shock all three of us and we're his best friends. He climbed in the back with me. Rogelio always had his Ashio as his passenger princess. He baby him in the front putting on the air when it's hot or giving him his secret snacks when hungry. It was cute but also made me want to rub getting to be Sev's passenger princess in his face. I can't wait to show off Sev's my boyfriend. I should tell them all right now.

I opened my mouth to say my good news, but Daniel talks before.

"Oh I have something really important to tell you guys." He said nervously as we stop at a red light. "Well I umm I started dating Perseus." He covered his face nervously as we all gasped. Rogelio turned back in his seat. Me and Ash already had given him our attention. "Stop don't make fun of me" He tried to stop us.

"Girl isn't that guy your 'enemy'" I said teasingly with air quotes.

"Boo isn't he the one who like bullied you in elementary." Ashio added.

"Yeah he used to pull your hair when it was long." Rogelio added making Daniel cross his arms.

"We were six" He mumbled

"Well guess who's dating his best friend." I decided to make it about me and Sev. Daniel cheering happy we are dating best friends.

"Aww now let's go on a double date." Daniel argued

"Aww I want to join" Ashio pouted this was a perfect time to tease Ro.

"If only you had a boyfriend?" The light switch green as Rogelio turned red driving.

"If only I had a boyfriend I could join you." Ashionee sighed dramatically "but no alpha could ever like me" He pouted looking at Rogelio as he tried to keep his eyes on the road. Poor Rogelio always gets bullied by us like this. He's just so shy but so in love with Ashio. Like just date already!!

I want a triple date!


Friday June 7th, at the park

I got out seeing Sev in his truck. I waved bye to my friends trying to hide my excitement to leave them for Sevyn. But I was really excited to see him, we just started dating. And it was over text. We have to make this night the story of when we started dating not that cute simple little text. He got down hugging me. When I let go he waved at my friends who waved then drove off. Sev took my hand spinning me around as he looked at my outfit.

"Wow you look good." He complimented making me blush as I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you baby, you do too." I said playing with the chain around his neck. As I kissed his cheek again before seating in my seat buckling up the buckle. He blushed, I could tell he was a little shocked with my affection. Was it too much for him.

Does he not like it?

"C-can I have like uhh another kiss?" He asked before he starts driving off. I giggled happy to know he liked the affection I had given him. As I peck his lips making him smile like a dork before shifting out of park. "Thanks" He said shyly

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