24. The Big Show

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I felt a soft whisper coming through my ear, "Y/N the show is soon. We gotta go to the venue." I let out a light groan before stretching my arms out. "You look so cute when you do that" Joey giggled. I tried to hide the smile appearing on my face but couldn't. I slowly sat up as Joey came from behind to wrap his arms around my upper chest. "You feeling any better?" He asked, a hint of concern coming through his voice.

"I feel better because of you" I admitted, his warmth filling my body. He shifted his head to the side, kissing my cheek before getting off the bed.

"What are you going to wear?" He inquired.

"I don't know yet, maybe you can help me" I responded. He came over, shuffling through my bag to find a black lacy lingerie set. He dug around some more to pull out a sheer lace black dress and metallic colored heels.

"I don't know if I can wear that Joey" I hesitated.

"You'll look great, at least try it on for me" He pleaded. I took off the clothes I had on originally, swiftly slipping into the lingerie set he picked. I slipped on the dress, seeing the stomach part was sheer enough you could see my skin. I finally put on the heels before doing a little spin.

"You look beautiful Y/N. You gotta see yourself" He smiled as he grabbed my arm taking me to the bathroom. "Look at you" He spoke. I slowly placed my eyes on the mirror to see Joey smiling ear to ear. "Do you see what I see Y/N?" He asked.

"I don't think so Joey" I replied.

He put his hands on my hips as he gushed, "Look at your curves, your face, your chest, your ass. How can you not see what I see?"

We heard a knock on the door. "Open the door I gotta piss" Paul demanded.

Joey opened the door Paul seeing us two. "Damn" Paul blurted.

"See even he thinks you look great" Joey interjected before slipping ourselves out of the bathroom. I grabbed my kabuki mask, curling iron, red lipstick, hair brush, and phone before making my way to the car with Joey right behind me.

We got into the car where Joey immediately pushed our lips together. I got onto his lap keeping the kiss passionate. I felt a slight bit of his teeth before he swirled our tongues around. He put one hand on my chin, the other lowering down to my ass. He gripped my ass making a slight squeal escape my mouth. He parted our lips for a second, starting to groan, "I can't stop myself Y/N. I just wanna fuck the shit out of you right here." My cheeks turned a slight hue of pink due to his comment. We heard one of the car doors being opened so I quickly got off his lap, trying to act like nothing was going on.

"Woah Y/N, you look great" Jim admitted.

"You picked out a great dress" Sid added.

"Joey picked it out, gotta give all the props to him" I replied.

"All black seems fitting for the occasion" Clown interjected. Corey drove the car to the venue, not saying a peep in the process. I couldn't care though I was on a high from Joey's sweet comments and dirty actions. We made it to the venue where we shuffled into the dressing room.

"Just to remind you all Y/N is here so don't do anything stupid. I'm especially talking about you Sid, she's already seen your dick once. I don't need a repeat" Joey jabbed.

"No dicks, got it" Sid replied.

I plugged in my curling iron, waiting for it to get hot. "Jesus Christ Y/N, that shit stinks" Joey chuckled.

"I'm sorry it just always smells like that when I turn it on. I think it's burning little pieces of hair that got stuck in it from the last time I curled my hair" I explained apologetically.

My Patient...Or Maybe More Than That (Joey Jordison x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now