26. Interview

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I was laying on Joey's chest, cooling off after our inevitable fucking. We then heard someone knock on the door. Joey got up and slipped on some boxers while I covered myself with a blanket. Joey slightly slid the door open to see Clown.

"They want to do an interview of Y/N and you" Clown explained.

"We could probably do that just gotta talk it out with her. When do they wanna do the interview?" Joey responded.

"In two hours" Clown answered.

"Two hours? Fuck, Y/N we're gonna have to start getting ready" Joey replied, "Is the place at least close by?"

"It's about 30 minutes from here" Clown expressed.

"Well, let us get ready" Joey exhaled as he slid the door close. "I'm having a perfect time with my girlfriend and now I have to ruin it to go to this stupid fucking interview" He ranted.

"It's okay Joey we'll just get done with the interview and we can go right back to what we were doing" I commented.

"I know Y/N just I don't wanna talk to some random ass person right now. We're still a little high too so hopefully we don't say no crazy shit" He responded.

"We'll be just fine, just calm down you seem frantic. We have time and on such late notice they really shouldn't say anything if we're late" I assured. He quickly slipped into a t-shirt and shorts, knowing it would be covered by his jumpsuit anyway.

"Joey can you help me find something to wear again. It seemed last time you picked a great option" I pleaded. He came over swiftly making his eyes to my red dress. He pulled out a skin tone lingerie set, knowing if I wore another color it might appear through the dress. He finally picked out some white heels to finish the look.

"Try it on, I wanna see" He smiled. I quickly put on the bra and panties he picked out. I slid the dress on, sitting on the bed to put on the heels. His eyes lit up clearly liking my outfit. "You look absolutely stunning. I should work in women's fashion" He chuckled, slipping on his jumpsuit.

"Never, you're my private designer. No one else can have your fashion tips" I laughed. He went to the bathroom to apply the black paint as I started to straighten my hair. He quickly finished, coming back to seemingly just stare at my beauty.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"Because you just look so beautiful" He answered. I smiled as I finished the last strand of hair I needed to straighten. I went to the bathroom with him, sitting on the toilet as he applied the cold black paint around my eyes.

"Why is it so cold?" I questioned.

"We keep it as cold as possible to make it last through the shows" He responded, putting on my red lipstick. I grabbed my kabuki mask before heading out of the bathroom.

"God Y/N, the interview is gonna get hard just seeing you" Jim laughed.

"I'm just gonna take that as a compliment" I replied.

"It is indeed a compliment" Jim assured.

"You're gonna kill it Y/N" Sid smiled.

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