Backrooms - Mission: Retrieval

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Military officers Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung sat down in the meeting room as the blinds and doors closed and locked.

In front of them was Captain Dahyun conducting the meeting.

"I want to thank you all for coming in on such short notice. I'll go ahead and skip the pleasantries since we're pressed for time to get right to the point. Remember that any and all information shared during this briefing is considered confidential. It should be treated as such until further notice"

Jeongyeon leaned back and sighed.

"Approximately 43 hours ago, three members of the research team from a classified organisation were involved in an incident that caused them to momentarily lose radio contact and become separated from the rest of their squad. The remaining member managed to bring back this footage"

Captain Dahyun grabbed the remote and played the footage on the television.

Footage showed a camera POV from one of the researchers, who was walking behind three others.

They were equipped with bulky hazmat suits and were walking down a long yellow hallway.

"How'd the presentation go?"

"It went pretty well, from what I've heard. Apparently they only had a minor discrepancy during the signing but they managed to get everyone's signature at the end"

"Alright... Well, that's good to hear. Do you know roughly when it'll go into effect?"

"Probably sometime next week, but the details are kind of-"

The three researchers let out a scream that cut off as they fell through the floor below them, leaving the last researcher by herself.

"Oh my God! Guys!!"

NaJeongJiChaeng leaned in towards the television as they saw this.

"Guys! Can you hear me?! Mina!? Momo?!! SANA?!"

Jihyo frowned in confusion, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"Holy shit! Guys?!"

A radio beep can be heard in the background of the footage as the researcher desperately called out to her team through the communication device.

"Guys! Are you alright?!"

The radio beeps again with no response.

"Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!"

"Tzuyu, this is Dahyun. What's going on?"

"I-I-I don't know! My- Me and my team! We were just walking, and- and- they just...! They just fell through the fucking floor or something!! Please- Please!! Send help!! I think I-I lost contact with them! They're not responding! I think they might be dead! I- I-!"

"Okay, Tzuyu. Just stay calm, alright? We'll send someone down there to try to figure out what's going on and help you out, okay? Just stay put for now so we can follow your tether to you"


The remaining footage shows the researcher continuously screaming out for her team and freaking out before the footage cuts off.

"This is what became of the researchers"

Captain Dahyun switched off the TV.

"We're not exactly sure how or why this happened. This just... breaks our current understanding of science and physics. Experts in the field have their theories and ideas on how this could be possible. However, nothing definitive yet. Although, something you may be familiar with is the recent spike in missing persons cases as of late. Some believe that they might be related in some way based on the reports, citing a very similiar set of circumstances and events transpiring. Whatever the case may be, we have depicted that the team in this footage managed to survive the fall"

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