
491 13 3

Husks POV

It was a very easy hand, I had the beginnings of a royal flush, I just needed the flops to go correct. Now I see Val's strategy, he couldn't bluff, so he got Angel dust over here to block him.

The spider's fluffy hair blocked the majority of the moths face unless I leaned ridiculously far back. At least he knows good hair care, which I could appreciate, it takes a lot to get my fur as perfect as it is. And trust me, it's perfect.

David, the dealer always had a smile on, but it looked strained in the presence of moth boy. Val had that effect on people, either you submitted to him or all you wanted was for him to fucking leave. Which, personally, that was a constant since the first day I met him.

From the river comes the last few cards I need. I chuckle and throw down my card, leaning back and smirking at the moth.

His hands grip the cards, creasing and folding them, dickhead, I made those myself. Granted it was magic, but still!

"FUCKING BULLSHIT!" He screams, standing up and slamming his fist into the table, causing David to stand up and back away. Angel dust flinching back slightly before returning to his standard demeanor.

"Fair is fair Val, you of all people should know that." I say, pulling my suit tight again as I stand up looking at him without my pleasant look I had when he first came in. I was fed up with this freak. Just pay up, and get the fuck out.

"Lying, SCHEMEING LITTLE SHIT!" He yells, approaching me and pressing his pointer finger to my chest. Stay calm, stay calm. "C'mon Val, you know Vox would be ma-" "KEEP HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" He screams and I back away, biting my tongue. "Well then he would be mad if you made a scene, so just make your payment and get the fuck out." I say calmly, clenching my fists as I shoot my security a look, motioning them to walk over.

"I'll be fucking back you insignificant bitch." Val says to me before grabbing the red smoke he just exhaled, yanking it and a chain appears, from his yank Angel dust is pulled from his chain and onto his hands and knees, taking strangled breaths.

"There's a reason they call him Angel dust, you'll find out." He says spitting on the ground in front of me before pulling out a golden scroll like paper. He throws it down into the spit like it was nothing.

"I'll be back baby, don't worry." Val says, getting down to Angels level, who was now trembling. "Don't worry darling~" He repeats, pinching Angels cheek like a grandma would her grandson before pushing him away as he stands up.

"You'll get your fucking security shit within the week." Val says as he fiddles with his watch, probably about to call Vox and break his news that he lost his prize gem.

I remove my eyes from Val as security roughs him up to get him away from some girls he was headed towards. They fall down to Angel dust, looking at Val as he walks out into the deep night it now was.

There were tears in his eyes, like he was sad Val was leaving. I pick up the contract and in my right hand, the opposite of which had the document appeared a bright yellow chain that wrapped its way around Angels neck, making his gasp and let out a soft plea to stop.

I easily drop the chain after a few seconds and he thanks me in a very quiet voice.

After a few more seconds he stands up and clears his throat looking down at me with a flirty smile. "Thank you sir~" he says, and I grumble slightly. "I'll lead you to your room, just, stop talking like that." I say, rolling my eyes as I beckon him to follow.

"Oooh~ taking me to the bedroom so fast?" He asks and I plant my head in my hands, continuing on without addressing him. "What? Got a problem whiskers~" He asks and I clench my fists. "Don't call me that." I say growling slightly as I press the up button on the elevator.

"Feisty~ I like when men order me around y'know." He says and I try to ignore him as I step into the elevator, oh great, I'm trapped in a confined space with this idiot. "I'm your boss y'know, I can fire you at will." I say looking at him as I press the 5th floor, top of the casino. He's a rather valuable person, and if he's on the top floor near me than it'll be harder for people to fuckin murder him or some shit.

"Yeah, but would you?" He asks looking at me so innocently, like he's done nothing wrong. "Just shut up." I say, I really don't have the heart to, I know Val's a fucking asshole, and probably got him to act like this.

"Exactly, you wouldn't do anything to lil ol me." He says patting my head angering me beyond will.

I close my hand and immediately a chain appears and I pull him towards me, seeing the fear in his eyes scares me in return, what the fuck am I doing?! "S-sorry, please." He begs and I release him immediately, looking at my now empty hand like it held a murder weapon.

"You're forgiven, just, stop." I say, and he nods, rubbing his neck as he stands back to his height, looking at the ground though, it was scary silent the rest of the ride up the elevator. I can feel his breaths, they're labored, his throat must hurt after both me and Val choked him.

What did Val do to him? Cause I know he's rather abusive to his models, but Angel dust is his favorite, or at least the one he featured him the most. He's gotta be nicer to him, right?

Bing! I step out of the elevator and Angel dust obediently follows. I open my mouth to apologize but just close it, he doesn't look like he's in the mood to talk. I see the tears are back but he sniffles and brushes it away and I see makeup smudge, a little purple under his eye revealed. Maybe it's just his natural look I don't know. I don't wanna pry.

"Top floor?" He asks simply and I nod, not looking at him, instead the door numbers on my right to see which he would reside in. "For your safety, you're a celebrity." I say, and he smiles slightly hearing I cared about him the smallest amount.

"Oh so you do care, huh?" He asks and I shrug as we reach his room, I gesture to it, handing him a key in his bottom hands. He unlocks it and simply stands there in awe. It was a very beautiful bedroom if I do say so myself, I designed this place. It had a queen size bed, dressed in gold and black sheets and comforters. Every piece of furniture was beautiful dark oak.

"It's...-" "Gorgeous, yeah." I say and he looks down at me with a playful frown. "I was going to say that, dickhead." He says and I roll my eyes as he walks into the bedroom. He immediately collapses face down into the bed. "Hey." I call and he looks back at me getting into a seductive position on the bed. "Yeah~" at least he's not scared of me, I would rather him be like this than deathly afraid to cross me.

"If you need me just pull the chain around your neck and I'll know." I say and he reaches up to his neck and wraps his fingers around a golden collar that appears. His fingers trail along to the chain and he tugs it twice. The chain pulls at my hand and in my brain it immediately tells me who pulled it.

"You're starting in a few days, so just take your time to get comfortable and meet me in my office, it's just down the hallway, big door at the end, impossible for even you to miss it." I say smirking at him and he huffs. "Hey!" He calls out but I simply close the door behind me as I walk towards by office, rethinking it, and then deciding the bar sounds nice.

Lucky number 13 is calling.

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