28. Hamilton

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Angels POV

It'd been a few weeks since Husk had flown me around. Our routine has changed around a little now that we were a thing. Well, the casino side didn't change, I still flirted with my patrons, he still stuck to his side and betted the big bucks, occasionally ordering me some food, or bringing it to me politely. His little compliments would always fluster me. He wasn't just saying it to reel me back in after hurting me, manipulating me, or using my need for praise as an easy route to pipe me.

'you look good today' 'love your nails' 'you look pretty' and other variations of that were commonplace within my ears as he'd walk by or bring me food. "I finished my games for today, and I want to watch a movie or something, so make this your last game." He demands in a soft voice, setting down a glass of white wine. I was fine with his demands though, these people don't know how to treat someone.

"What did he need?" One of them asks and I hear jealousy in his voice. "Oh just that I have to finish baby~ if I work y'all too hard I'll get overtime~" I lie, speaking seductively to him, and within his salacious brain he hears flirty and finish and he's convinced. Fucking. Dumbass.

I easily mop the floor with the three stuges across from me and I stand up and walk towards Husk but I'm instantly warped into the room, standing at the door. "You gotta start warning me dickhead." I criticize as I place my hand on my hip, looking at him with a smirk.

"And what exactly are you wearing?" I ask, looking him over, he was in a turtleneck and casual pants. Turtleneck. Let me say that again.


Yeah, definitely, for sure something he owns and would wear. "Just some clothes." He says as I crawl up next to him, placing a finger on his chin so he was looking at me. "Who's?" I question smirking down at him. "Mine, fucking obviously." He murmurs dismissively. I release his chin and reach down, picking up one of the loose arm strings that I'd use for my four arms.

"Mine." I correct giggling as he crosses his arms and rolls away, facing the TV. "It looked comfortable, not my fault." he grumbles, as I lay down behind him. It's not like I'm mad or anything, it's cute that he's stealing my clothes, they surprisingly fit him very well, besides the fact it was way too long in some places. Like the sleeves went out past his hands.

"I'm sure it did babe." I say softly as I wrap around him, planting myself in his back. I reach around and intertwine my hands with his chest fur. "Soft." I mumble as he scrolls through the TV. "Whaddya want to watch?" He asks and I lift my head up, seeing he was quickly scrolling through the musicals section.

"Hamilton!" I call out, pointing at it as I look down at him with a happy smile. "You look like the type to watch Hamilton." He murmurs as he clicks on it. "What's that supposed to mean?" I question glaring at him. Hamilton is amazing I'll have you know, dickhead. I love singing along to it.

"Y'know... Just... You." He explains oh so well as the musical begins. "I bet you haven't even watched the whole thing." I refute, cuddling back up to him, laying my head in the back of his neck. "Why would I?" He asks and I gasp, looking at him offended. "That's it, you're watching this entire thing." I demand and he pouts, keeping his arms crossed.

"I don't have to." He says rolling over, facing me and away from the TV. "I'll pet you~" I offer and he immediately grumbles a curse before rolling over and back to the TV. I giggle and begin gently petting and scratching his head, just behind his ears making him purr loudly.

"You're just a big softie." I tease, my bottom hands laying at his stomach and petting him there too. I feel his tail wagging against me making me smile proudly. "You're an idiot." He says as he pets Fat Nuggets who he held in his arms.

"Maybe, but you tolerate me." I say, laying my head in his back to feel the vibration of his purr. "Eh, tolerate's a strong word." He says looking back at me as I pet him. "Well if you'd like me to stop-" "No! I didn't mean it!" He quickly apologizes as he presses his head into my pets.

Voxs POV

I'm staring into the screen in front of me. Our bank account was plummeting and I couldn't see us continuing for more than a week. Val had decimated our chances of new investors when he went off on Angel Dust. Word had gotten around and now we were fucked. Losing money by the day while me and Velvette tried to budget and prepare for us to go bankrupt, neither of us had told Val.

He still filmed daily, pimping out his girls and guys with expensive clothing and such, draining us to the point of this. Both of us knew the moment we told him the bad news one of 2 things would happen. 1 he'd try and steal Angel hoping that would bring some kind of money back. Or 2, he'd go insane and level the tower before the bank could sell it off.

I literally don't have the money at this point to spare and get Husk the security bullshit Val betted. I want to leave him, get as far away from this whole thing before it implodes but I just can't. He's so addicting that no matter what I Don't... I can't leave him. He makes me feel wanted and y'know... When he's good he's good.

I have one last idea though... Even just to get back on that fucking cat for helping tank the business I fucking built. I was the first. ME. But nooooooo someone can't keep their FUCKING hands to themselves, and someone didn't want to hand over Angel when the company was still in a saveable position.

There's one person I can irritate just enough to get both of them here. And I swear to God I will have a second death on the dead body of that fucking demon. He WON'T take over when I'm gone.

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