
560 13 14

Huskers POV

I knock back a shot of whiskey, it was about 8pm or some shit, some might say it's too early to be on your 12th shot, I say they're fucking lying. All around me were loud machines and sinners either screaming or sobbing softly.

An imp bartender refilled my drink but I just shake my head slightly. I can't go too far, I have a few games to win. Though I've been on fare worse than fucking 13 and still beaten overlords easily. The after image of everything lags behind slightly, fuck that drink was a LOT stronger than I thought it was. Not that big a deal, Fucking Val wanted to gamble with me.

Cheap fuck couldn't bluff, I don't know how he was a pornstar at one point. Apparently he had some super rare thing he wanted to gamble for quite a sizeable amount of money, I obviously agreed, because... Y'know... I'll win, fucking obviously.

The doors burst open and big moth boy himself struts in wearing high heels, his glowing red eyes looking around, no doubt looking for some fresh meat he could manipulate. However I cut him off before could approach some pretty faces he was eyeing up.

"Valentino, it's a pleasure to have you here, how was the ride over?" I ask, bowing in front of him, no doubt boosting his ego more than he deserved. "Mmm, it was delightful little kitty." He says patting my head and I clench my jaw, though I want to see what kind of object or whatever he brought to gamble.

"What didya bring ta gamble?" I ask cutting the nice talk and looking around him, curious to see where this big mystery is. "Right to business huh? Well if you insist, Angel cakes~" He coos and through the door steps a white spider.

He Had long pinkish gloves, a tight fitting black shirt, though it had a boob window that was populated by his fluff, looked very soft. And below the waist he had on a tight miniskirt, black as well, going down a little past mid-thigh. He had on high heels as well, and believe it or not, it too is black. His shirt looked like latex or something of the sort.

I knew who he was, kinda hard not to, he had a billboard every block and an ad on every page. Why would I want him though? I'm... I'm not gay...

The spider did seem to glow, a charismatic smile and a sultry glance at every man he could look at. In return all the attention crowded on the man, I tried to ignore it seeing as this was y'know, my casino, not his, but whatever.

"You brought a person?" I ask raising an eyebrow, I gamble for souls all the time, low lives who did bad things in their first life do pretty much anything to get as powerful as the V's or me, even Al- yeah...

But Val gambling someone he owned, that's a different kind of fucked. Perverted douchebag. He glances down at me and smirks leaning in. "He makes good money kitty, so I want a lot for this, gem." He says gesturing to Angel dust who's eyes land on me, looking me up and down before smirking at me.

He had a very good smile, very charming, he'd be good with guests I guess. I shake my head slightly before glaring at Valentino, continuing towards a card table.

"And that is?" I ask, glancing back at him before continuing towards my own private table.

She was gorgeous, deep brown oak, stained and sanded by yours truly, the first table I got for this thing, therefore only I gamble here. Or those I permit.

"A small stake in this place is all, I have some great ideas." He says vaguely, thanks for the information asshole.

"Mhm, yeah, how much?" I ask, growing short with the man towering over me as I take a seat at the table. Gesturing to a seat a fair distance away, because I don't want to be close to the man. He freaks me out, all that red smoke and shit.

He doesn't listen, bug eyes sits a seat away, and instructs Angel Dust to sit between us. The spider gives me a seductive glance, arching his back as he leans forward, his elbows on the table. I roll my eyes and look away, trying to look at Valentino.

"I was thinking 25%, I think that's fair, eh kitty?" He asks and my eyes widen, like fucking hell! For this guy? He's not worth that much profit holy shit! Well gambling ain't fair, that's what makes it fun I guess.

Fucking kitty shit was getting on my nerves, confident prick. He puts his feet up on the table, leaning back in the chair. Cocky fuck! "Feet OFF the table!" I shout, slamming my fist into the table, seeing Angel dust jump, and Val raises his eyebrows, and shrugs, clearly not wanting to ruin our little deal.

I sit back down, brushing the wrinkles from my tux, fixing the bow tie. Angel dust meets my eyes again and just stares his mouth a little agape before shutting it and looking directly forward. Fucking weirdo.

Buzzing comes from Val and he smiles at me in a way I assume he thought was charming, just freaky, makes my fur stand on end.

Hmm, oh Angel dust is talking, he has a fuckin perfect voice... What's that accent though? Italian? Maybe? Despite how hard it is to focus on his words for some reason I respond politely.

Gambled - A Huskerdust Slow-burnWhere stories live. Discover now