32. Eternity

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Angels POV

I'm sitting uncomfortably downstairs at my usual space at the poker table, barely able to sit. I'm holding myself up barely off the seat with my bottom set of arms. The show doesn't end though, I'm smiling and flirting at the men at my table, then I'm brought a little thing of nachos with a note on it.

'Youre amazing, xoxo ps. I can see you can't sit lol' Cocky fucking prick. I turn around and see his little smirk as he approaches his own poker table. It's worth it for the nachos though. I swear these things have to have crack in them cause I could inhale this shit for days if I wanted to.

I'm distracted, which is nice, and I can tell he liked it, so did I, but I wanted to get our minds off this whole thing. I want it to be over, for Val to be dead and Alastor, whoever that is, to stop fuckin' with my man. I know his gun will be here tomorrow, and god only knows what happens then. Vox is apparently still trying to figure out how to draw Alastor out, since he's secluded or some bullshit like that.


I'm standing at the foot of the Vees tower. I'd been here before, decades I'd stood at this doorstep, days I'd probably spent in this exact spot. And in a few hours at most, I'd be standing here, with only the rubble my hands chose to spare. I know every step of this building, I've been thrown into every wall and sworn to in every room. I know every inch of this building, and I will enjoy ripping it down to me.

But that's later, that's after we handle the man at the helm. After I finally put him through what I've been forced through. That is after he is gone.

Anger burns below my form, hate willing itself to start destroying the land around me. "Hey, I have a meeting with Vox?" I question the lady at the front desk, smiling politely down at her. "Hm, oh... Uh..." She picks up a phone, staring at me like I was some alien she'd never seen. "Vox? Yeah, Angel dust?" The woman asks the phone, leaving me hoping it wasn't Valentino... Y'know what fuck it, if it is Val I'll rip his goddamn mouth out I swe-

"Oh finally you're here, thank God, you're a little late, so uh, upstairs quick." Vox's voice catches my hate driven thoughts off guard. I turn around and see him... Sweating? How do tvs sweat? Anyway, he's rushing me upstairs as I follow, keeping my head down, attempting not to attract attention. It felt like shit to be back here, I tried to keep my eyes closed as long as possible without running into the walls, as the floors reminded me of being forced to the ground so many times.

I'm now in a meeting room, quiet, docile, and empty. All the fancy decor in the old room are vacant. It feels so emotionless. I hate it here. I don't like being here. The contempt I'd held for Valentino for the months I'd been with Husk and years I'd been with him it was beginning to boil over. And now I'm sat with his boyfriend, conspiring on how to end it.

"Alastor is a force to be reckoned with, I don't see myself able to beat him, not alone. So I have your boyfriend, Husker, able to kill him stealthily.  Val though he's ah-" I cut him off quickly, knowing what he was saying. "Unpredictable?" I guess and he nods, pacing in front of the now empty aquarium.

"So due to that, I find it only necessary, you assume the job of ah, killing him come it be Husker cannot kill him in one go. He's a coward, if he knows he's under fire he'll probably run back here. And then you can... Y'know." He doesn't sound happy about it, I don't really know why, and I don't really know if I can kill him. He's still much larger than me.

"Wait what?! You're leaving me here, all alone without any fucking backup?" I question angrily, standing up, knowing damn well no one in this building would stand up against him. They're all still under his hold, or enjoy the comfort he gives them.

"Well, yeah, yeah you kinda got it down, but listen, he's not that bad, he's only so strong when he has a hold on you, don't let him have a hold on you. Simple." He explains not simply, I'm more confused on how to beat his ass than I was before.

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