Chapter 1

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Sam, Dean, and Castiel returned from a long vampire hunt to Bobby's house. "Did ya get 'em?" Bobby asked as soon as Sam had popped through the front door.

"Yes, Bobby, we did," Sam replied tiredly. He had blood splatters all over his clothes and skin, and he longed for a bath.

"Yeah, there were about 13 of the blood-sucking bastards," Dean grumbled as he lumbered through the front door. "Cas almost got bit, too..." he sighed.

"I did not mean to, Dean. It knocked the blade out of my hand and pinned me down. I couldn't reach it," Castiel protested as he followed Dean inside.

"I know, I know. You've just... gotta be more careful next time, Cas."

"I will. Thank you for saving me as well."

"No prob-"

"Are you two idjits gonna flirt all night? C'mon, all three of ya need some rest... and a shower. You look and SMELL like road kill." Dean scowled at this. Castiel snapped his fingers and instantly he was perfectly clean.

"Done." Being an angel had its pros.

"Show-off," Dean smirked and left the room so he himself could take a shower. He couldn't stop thinking about how close Castiel had came to become some sort of weird angel-vampire... thing. He couldn't stand the thought of his friend getting hurt. "Damn it, Cas... the things you do to me..." he muttered as he entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

After finally managing to scrub all the vampire blood off his body and finishing his shower, Dean tiredly made his way to the bedroom he was sleeping in. He flopped down on the bed as his eyelids began to droop, and he couldn't keep them open any longer. He was looking forward to a nice, long rest, as he was exhausted. Tomorrow, all he was going to do was relax and hang out with his family; Cas, Sammy, and Bobby. Dean quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Morning seemed to come quickly. Dean's eyes flickered open as he opened his mouth to let out a huge yawn. When his eyesight came into focus, he immediately noticed something was off. The room was a lot bigger than it was yesterday. Maybe this was some sort of odd dream? He noticed his body felt different as well. He sat up and blinked, slightly afraid of what was going on. He slowly looked down at his body and found something odd. He gasped and fell off the bed. He had paws instead of hands! His body was covered in short, dirty blonde fur. He raced into the bathroom, which thankfully he had left the door open to, for he couldn't have reached the handle if it had been, to check his appearance. He was very short. He jumped up onto the counter and groaned as he saw himself in the mirror. Instead of seeing himself, he saw a cat.

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