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No Pov:

When it comes to the rings of Hell, the most unpopular ring to be in was Greed. Greed was known for milking the resources of its ring to the point where it was full of polluted water, one could barely see the natural sky because it was now covered in a blanket of green smog, the only jobs where one could make a barely decent living was being a part of the Mafia, work at Mammon's Looloo Land or become his brand figure (which had been impossible for the last nine, about to be ten years), or rob as much banks as you can and move to another ring. However, not everyone was like this. Through the streets of the Greed ring, a skeleton with a green and yellow jester getup and a shark tail was walking down the streets, dragging a giant cooler behind him with one hand, in the other, he was playing with a small plastic slinky. This was Bingo, ready for another day at his 'job'. Taking inspiration from a movie, he sat next to a building, this time a bank, and opened the cooler lid to reveal homemade ice cream. A nearby clock rang the time, 5:00 pm, the end of the work day, and several shark and dinosaur humanoids were walking out of the building.

Bingo: Step right up, get your ice cream here! Only $14.99!

Now, to the average person, $14.99 would be an atrocious price for an ice cream that one could easily make at home. But again, this was Greed. $14.99 was cheap compared to the average at a normal ice cream parlor there, so he was able to get multiple customers, ready to fight tooth and nail for what they could afford to forget their troubles. Especially people who have worked extremely hard and barely earned minimum wage. Things were going smoothly, up until it wasn't.

???: Well, well, well. Look who still won't get off his lazy butt and get a real job.

Bingo turned to whoever insulted him and sighed in annoyance to his aggressors. Glitz and Glam. 

(A/N: Glitz is the one on the left and Glam is on the right)

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(A/N: Glitz is the one on the left and Glam is on the right)

Bingo: Ah, if it isn't the two dumbasses who would rather insult others than do something with their lives.

Glam: Dumbasses? You don't even know our names, do you?

Bingo: I just don't care enough to remember them.

Glitz: Well, you're about to. We are going to be Mammon's newest stars.

This got Bingo's attention. If there was one thing he could respect about the girls, it was their performance skills. They had worked together in small community stage plays a while back, but he never thought they would go that far in their acting careers.

Glam: Yeah, we're performing in Mammon's Clown Pageant. Becoming the new face of his clownish brand.

Bingo: Two things. One, Mammon's not a clown, he's a jester. They're different. Two, it's about a year away and Fizzarolli wins every time.

Glitz: Well, next year, he won't. Prepare to cry as you watch people make sex dolls out of us.

Bingo: Ha! No man within twenty miles would want to fuck you two.

Bingo, the Skeleton SharkWhere stories live. Discover now