Murder Family (Slight Smut)

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Bingo Pov:


Jeez, that kid was stupid. His mother had not been raising him right. I sigh and start heading to Milky's, now our apartment. Right now, I need some R&R. I enter the apartment to find Milky sitting on the couch, watching TV. She had ordered pizza for the both of us, so I sat next to her and grabbed a slice.

Milky: Hey baby. How was your day?

Me: (Tired) Good. I got the job at I.M.P. 

Milky: Wow baby. See? I knew you could find a job. How was your first day?

Me: We had a business meeting so that I could get acquainted with the other workers and it was a huge mess. There was this human kid they were keeping alive for some reason and he was a total dick. Insulting everyone there and calling me a retard.

Milky moved her hand so that she was now rubbing my thigh.

Milky: Oh, baby. I'm sorry that happened. Don't listen to that kid, I know that you're an amazing person. You're quick-witted, creative, and the cutest thing alive. That kid's mom clearly never raised her kid right if he could insult the embodiment of sweetness.

Me: (Flustered Whine) Milky.

Milky: I mean it. You are the greatest demon I've ever known. And I don't know where I'd be without you.

Me: Thanks. You know, I'm still a little frustrated at what that kid said to me, and I promised yesterday to make up for us not showering together.

Milky, getting the idea, moves her head to my ear and begins to whisper.

Milky: (Whispering and Flirtatious) Oh, do you want to release that frustration?~ Maybe through a little...spanking?~

Me: (Playful) How did you know?

Milky: (Still whispering) I've been craving these hands on my ass for a while babe~ Those squeezes weren't enough, I want these hands to fully spank my ass~

I finish my slice of pizza and turn to her, my hands now under her pants and onto her rump.

Me: (Whispering) I've been craving that too~

Milky: (Normal) Now, as much as I want to get started here and now, I want to get changed first. (Flirtatiously) Meet me in our bedroom in ten minutes~

She left and I sat on the couch, grabbing another slice of pizza. When the ten minutes passed, I made our way to our room, seeing Milky. She was wearing a cow-themed lingerie, with her butt facing me. She turned to me, looking at me with bedroom eyes.

Milky: Come on~ I know you want to ~


No Pov:

The episode starts with a flashback of a school. Where a teacher is seen drawing on a chalkboard. Mrs. Mayberry.


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