Getting Revenge (18+)

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No Pov:

After the whole ordeal with the cops, Bingo, Vortex and the gang of succubi and incubi started walking towards a portal the jester skeleton opened. As they were walking, the succubi were kissing Bingo one at a time. Ace was also trying to, but he was stopped by Vortex.

Vortex: Dude, stop.

Ace: But I can't help it. He's just so cute.

Milky: If you kiss him without his consent, I will chop that dick off of you.

Ace gulped at the threat as the gang of demons walk through the portal and to the office building. Making their way to a van where the members of the

Bingo: are we going to max this credit card? I mean, we could go horseback riding. Rub salt in the wound.

Verosika: As much as that would make sense. I want nothing to do with anything that cheap prick likes.

Apple: Oh! Oh! I know! We could try this new fashion place in Cumsdale!

Coco: Oh yeah! That can really bleed the card dry!

Verosika: Then it's decided.

The gang made their way to the Lust ring. As they were driving, Bingo started falling asleep, nuzzling onto Milky's shoulder.

Kiki: (Whispering) Aww he's so adorable.

Milky: (Whispering) Yeah, get him in a car and as long as he's not driving, he's out like a light.

Josh: We can see that.

Ace: Come on, you get the same way sometimes.

Josh: Hey!

Apple: Can you two stop bickering? The cutie's trying to sleep.

As Bingo was sleeping, Kiki, Apple, and Coco were slowly petting his head. Taking in how soft his hat was.

Kiki: What kind of softener does he use?

Milky: Sloth's "Mystic Dream" I believe.

Apple: I can tell the softener comes from Sloth. I use a similar brand from Sloth.

Vortex: Guys? We're here.

Milky shakes Bingo awake as the group looks at the clothing store. Its size was only rivaled by Ozzie's, a giant club owned by the leader of Lust, Asmodeus. The gang left the car and entered the shop. Each clothing section was organized by kinks. There was a section for medieval clothing, clothes that show off people's butts and breasts, etc.

Bingo: Now remember, the point of this trip is to maximize Blitzo's (Pronounces the 'o') credit card as much as possible. And if he asks, say that Blitzo 2 stole it.

Coco: Blitzo 2? Where did you come up with that?

Bingo: Well...


Blitzo was busy walking to his office. It was that time again, where he needed to return the book and have a night with Stolas. He opened the door to his safe to find that it was empty.

Blitzo: Wait, what the fuck!?

The imp starts panicking as now that the book is gone, Stolas would kill him. He looked again at the safe to see a small note in there. He picks it up to reveal a poorly written note.

Blitzo: 'Deer Blitzo, IOU 1 Dam book Sined Blitzo 2'!? That fuckhead! He's always two steps ahead! MOXXIE! If you find Blitzo 2, then blow his head off!

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