Two Succubi, One Jester, and a Convention 18+

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No Pov:

Days after the events of the Harvest Festival, Bingo had been on edge for Milky's safety. Constantly texting her when she was up in the human world to see if she was fine, clinging onto her more when they cuddled, heck, had Vortex not put a stop to it, Bingo would've pulled a Blitzo and start stalking her whenever she had sex with another person. Right now, Bingo was alone as the rest went on a mission and was sitting down on the office couch, drinking some tea when Apple and Coco entered.

Apple: Hey, Honey. You doing okay?

Bingo: Yeah...I'm fine. Is Mi-

Coco: Milky's alright. We've made sure that she doesn't do anything stupid when we go on our Earth missions.

Bingo: Oh. Okay...

He continued to nervously sip on his tea as Apple and Coco looked at each other with concern. Apple was the first to respond.

Apple: You know what? You've been stressed out lately. What, with the whole Harvest Festival and the...assassin running around. You deserve a break outside of Hell. A chance to recharge your batteries. And besides, we've missed hanging out with our man~

She caressed his cheek and Bingo melted into her soft touch.

Coco: You know. Milky told us about how much you love that comic series, "Frog Ninja and Salamander Sister". Apple loves that series too, and a certain someone is coming to Vegas Comic-Con.

She pulls out a flyer and handed it to Bingo. It was purple with the creator on the center, with some of the characters surrounding the creator. His eyes lit up when he saw the date.

Bingo: You mean?

Apple: Yup! Bennett Jourdan is going to Comic-Con in about a month, and we were wondering if you would like to join us?

The jester tackled Apple to the ground and started pampering her face and neck with kisses. She started giggling as Coco lied down next to her.

Coco: Hey. Don't leave me out of this.

Bingo started to kiss her cheeks and neck as well before the rest of I.M.P. walk in.

Blitzo: What the fuck!? Get out of here!

The two girls giggle and run away, but not before giving Bingo a kiss on each cheek.

Coco: See you soon~

Time skip

Bingo could not hold back his excitement any further. He had never been to Comic-Con before and he had only heard about them from other people. While he was finishing up his cosplay in his human disguise, Milky was watching from the doorway.

Milky: You getting ready?

Bingo turned around in shock but instantly smiled.

Bingo: Yeah. (Slightly nervous) Are you sure you're going to be okay?

Milky shook her head and kissed him.

Milky: You worry too much about me. I'm a strong girl despite my short size and was one of the winners of the Harvest Festival. Look at these guns (Flexes). I will send anyone who crosses me packing.

Bingo blushes at her muscles before kissing them.

Milky: And don't worry about a thing. I'll call you if I need you. Okay?

Bingo: Yes my Milk Lady.

Milky: Good. Tell Apple and Coco I said hi.

He pulled out a pocket watch. In the center of it was a special crystal that Milky and the others used to get to Earth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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