Hanging out with Octavia

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Bingo Pov:

Me: Um, excuse me asking, but what are we going to do about the others?

While Stolas and Octavia had a cute moment together, Blitz, Millie, and Moxxie were launched into the air and landed in front of us. I would totally wish the pain they were in on Glitz and Glam.

Stolas: Right, we should probably call an ambulance. Why don't you and Octavia go ahead? I'll join you as soon as I call the ambulance.

Octavia: Can't you just teleport them to Sloth?

Stolas: Oh...Silly me.

Stolas made a portal to a hospital and dropped them off there.

Stolas: Now, with that done, shall we get going?

The two of us nod and the owl man makes a portal to Stylish Occult. I've only been here a couple of times when Milky wanted to try goth roleplaying. To be honest, it's not as creepy as I originally thought it would be. But it did have some creepy elements.

Octavia: Don't just stand there like a statue. Let's go inside.

Me: Oh, okay.

We enter to see several demons already in there. It looked like no one cared until they saw Stolas, to which everyone bowed. Octavia let out an unamused laugh as we explored the store.

Me: So, that's the life of royalty?

Octavia: Yeah. I'll admit, it does have its perks, but it's incredibly annoying sometimes.

We walk towards a display full of different taxidermized animals. Octavia picked one up.

Octavia: What do you think of this? 

Octavia: What do you think of this? 

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I stare at the stuffed creature.

Me: I'm very lucky that it is in a case because I feel like it could jump out and attack me at any moment.

Stolas: That doesn't mean it's not lovely Via. It's gorgeous.

Octavia laughed and placed the figure in a basket that she was carrying. We then head to a book section of the store. While Stolas was busy looking at books involving Imps, Octavia and I looked at other books.

Octavia: Ooo! The latest in "A Stabbed Heart Mysteries" is finally out! It's been months since the last one came out.

Me: You a fan of this series?

Octavia: Yeah. That and a few astronomy books I've kept over the years.

Me: Cool. I've only collected a few video game books. But there was one series my dad would read to me.

Octavia: Really? Which one?

Me: It was a series called "Spy School". Basically, a kid named Ben Ripley is good at math, to the point where the CIA wants to recruit him. They take him to a school dedicated to training new students to become new spies. My personal favorite is "Evil Spy School". Where Ben has to infiltrate an evil organization that wants to teach him how to be evil.

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