Boys Night

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Milky Pov:

Me: So you actually went off against members of Heaven?

Right now, Bingo was sitting with me and the rest of my crew in Verosika's studio. Ever since Bingo took us to the resort, Verosika decided to buy the office permanently. Not that I minded, it meant more time with my precious baby.

Apple: What were they like?

Bingo: Well. The baby was just this entitled man-child who just wanted everything to go his way. Now there were two others who, I don't know if they were married, but the girl one was like one of those Christian women who use their religion to make them seem better than everyone else and her husband is more pathetic than Moxxie, even letting his wife beat him up.

Coco: Damn. Doesn't sound very Heavenly to me.

Bingo: I know! They were trying to convince this old inventor who was basically a war criminal to not take his own life.

Kat: Some people are sick.

Me: Well, you're done with that. And now you can relax with us.

I was about to place his head on my lap to pet him, but he decided to stand up.

Bingo: Sorry babe, but I got to go back into the office.

Apple: Come on. Please~?

Bingo: Sorry. But I don't think my boss would appreciate me being out of the office for so long.

Me: (Sighs) Okay babe. But kiss me in my sweet spot first~?

He chuckles and kisses my breasts, kisses the sweet spots of the other girls and leaves.

Bingo Pov:

I walk into the office to see Loona on her phone, Millie sharpening her axe, Moxxie polishing his gun, and Blitzo writing garbage horse fanfiction.

Me: Hey guys.

Millie: Hey Bingo. How ya doin'?

Me: Fine. So, what's up?

Moxxie: Unfortunately, there hasn't been any new clients yet.

Blitzo: So, Bingo, you have a bunch of whores at your disposal. You think you could help me out?

I along with the rest of the group give him dirty looks. No one calls my girls whores. However, the tension was ended by a knock at the door. Blitzo immediately hid the papers.

Blitzo: Come in!

Vortex entered the room. Blitzo rolled his eyes, Loona looked away, a blush on her cheeks.

Millie: Hello. Aren't you Verosika's hellhound?

Vortex: Yeah. Name's Vortex.

Me: So, what's up?

Vortex: So, Bingo. When was the last time we hung out?

Me: That time we went to that resort during spring break.

Vortex: Yeah, but I was thinking of a boy's night.

Me: Boy's night? We haven't done that ever since you moved to Gluttony.

Vortex: Yeah. So the guys and I were planning on going drinking tonight. Want to join us?

Me: Absolutely...can Blitzo and Moxxie come?

Vortex: Sure. Wouldn't hurt to have more drinking buddies. See you after work.

Vortex leaves as my boss turns to me, annoyed.

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