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The scene opens with a view of Heaven, as the pearly white gates open, a pink cherub appears. Cletus.

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As the commercial finishes up, the television suddenly blows up. Being shot by Blitzo.

Millie: Nice one B!

Blitzo: Gimme another, Mox.

Moxxie nervously sweeps away the remains of the television and puts up another one, he turns it on to the 666 News as Blitzo pours gunpowder into his flintlock.

Blitzo: Eh, nah. Not feelin' it. Next!

Moxxie switches it again to a demon version of Betty Boop.

Blitzo: Uh-huh. Keep going, keep goin', keep goin'...

Moxxie switches to a commercial of Wally Wackford.

Wally: I say, I say, are you lookin' to get work making crazy contraptions and goofy gadgets? WELL, call me at Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea Factory, Where you make the things and I make the money! Please! I'm very desperate!

Blitzo: Bingo!

Blitzo shoots the tv as Bingo looks up from his 2DS. Only to shake his head and go back to the game.

Bingo: (Muttering) So this is what he spends his money on? I'm surprised his credit card didn't max out sooner.

He is pulled out his thoughts by the building suddenly shaking. Pulling Loona out of her nap.

Loona: Guys? You feel that?

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Is that a hellshake?

Moxxie: That's possible?

Millie: Alright! Don't panic, Moxxie!

She grabs her husband's shoulders in an attempt to 'calm' him, but Moxxie doesn't buy it.

Moxxie: I'm not 'panicking,' because hellquakes don't happen.

Loona roughly grabs and shakes Moxxie while Bingo watches and laughs.


She smacks Moxxie across the room, he was about to get up, but the building shakes again. Suddenly, the wall bursts, covering Moxxie with rubble. The gang does nothing about it as a figure enters through the wall. He grins and extends his robotic tentacles.

 He grins and extends his robotic tentacles

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Bingo, the Skeleton SharkWhere stories live. Discover now