Chapter 5

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Scarlett walked out of her Transfiguration class towards her DADA class with Angelina by her side, Angelina was the only one from her close friendship group who was in her class. Fred and George caught up with the two as they made their way out of the classroom and unlike previous years Scarlett hadn't walked off, in fact she actively involved them in her conversation. Since her birthday she actually enjoyed their company and found their humour very similar to her own without the pranking element.

George was listening attentively to Scarlett as she went on and on about how interesting this year's syllabus for Transfiguration was and how excited she was to learn more. He found her excitement and passion so mesmerising, he could listen to her go on for hours and not even care what subject it was. She had this energy that made even the most boring things sound interesting. He probably would have done a lot better in his O.W.Ls if she had been teaching.

"What do you think professor Moody is going to be like?" Fred asked bored by the continued conversation about Transfiguration. Unlike his brother he was over the subject, after an hour lesson he did not want to hear how excited Scarlett was to learn more.

"I'm not going to lie to you guys, he scares me." Angelina replied 

Scarlett nodded "Same, he seems"

"Think the word you were going to use was crazy, Scar" George joked causing them to chuckle

They soon met up with the rest of their class outside the DADA classroom and Scarlett left them to join Cedric and her friends from Hufflepuff. George's gaze followed her as she walked away with a wide smile on her face when she was greeted into the other group. He turned back to see Angelina smiling at him and Fred shaking his head in disappointment.

"You are so smitten with her." Angelina playfully teased,

"You need to get a grip Georgie, you're never going to win her like that. She's got all the power, she knows you like her and she's probably thinking she's got you wrapped around her finger." Fred's tone was stern which caused to Angelina shake her head in frustration

"Don't listen to Fred. Scar doesn't know you like her and Fred knows nothing about girls like Scar. Just be yourself, except maybe stop with the staring and constant excuses to try and be near her. They're getting a bit too obvious now."

George nodded trying to take on the advice but all he could think about was how she was wearing the brooch he gave her on her robes.


Scarlett walked out of the DADA class traumatised at what she had witnessed. Cedric snapped out of the shock first and quickly distracted the group "So, we putting our names in the goblet today Scar?"

The group welcomed the distraction and looked to Scar who slowly tried to move on from the lesson. "Yeah sure, let's do it! But can we go get something to drink first, I need some pumpkin juice, maybe even some butterbeer if we can find some."

The group laughed and headed out to find some food and drink.

Scarlett downed a cup of pumpkin juice and ate her bacon sandwich happily, finally over Professor Moodys weird teaching technique.

"I just don't understand why any of that was necessary." Bianca stated as she finished off the last bit of blueberry muffin on her plate

"I guess now we know his nickname doesn't come from irony." Andrew finished off his pumpkin juice

"Yeah...anyway, I'm ready to put my name in the goblet, you ready Scar?" Cedric changed the subject eager to go now he, Bianca and Andrew had finished 

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