Chapter 15

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It was the morning of the second task and Cedric was looking frantically around the Hufflepuff common room for Scarlett. Bianca came out from the girls dorms with a worried look on her face "She isn't in anyones room, I didn't hear her come in last night before I fell asleep." 

Cedric's stomach was in a knot, he felt sick with worry.  

"Maybe she is in the Gryffindor common room with George?" Andrew said trying to be helpful but making Cedric feel even worse at the idea of his twin spending the night with George. 

"Yeah good shout. Let's go to breakfast." Cedric tried to put the thought of Scarlett and George in bed together out of his mind. They left the common room and headed to the Great Hall where he found George sitting with Angelina and Fred but no Scarlett. 

"Have you seen Scarlett?" he asked panic showing in his face and voice once he got to the Gryffindor table. 

Angelina and Fred shook their heads as George stood up "Why are you asking? Where is she?" the panic spreading from Cedric to George. Both of them looking around the room frantically about to head out of the room before Professor Sprout walked over to them

"Mr Diggory you should be getting a full breakfast to give you energy for the next task, us Hufflepuffs are depending on you. Miss Diggory is carrying out the task I asked of her last night, I've just come back from delivering her breakfast. Don't worry about her just focus on the task ahead."

The two boys breathed a sigh of relief and George sat back down

"Sorry to have worried you, did you talk to Scar last night?" Cedric apologised then asked curiously once Professor Sprout had walked to away to the professors table.

"No I haven't seen her since Sprout took her for whatever task she's asked of her. I'm hoping to talk to her at the task."

"Good idea, my advice when dealing with an angry Scar is to make sure you have your apology prepared and clear. Don't say anything that might be misinterpreted and make her more mad. I love her but when angry she's the worst." Cedric advised before walking to the Hufflepuff table to get some breakfast


Cedric was on the shore getting ready for the second task with Andrew by his side.

"Still no sign of her. Where is she?" Cedric asked frustrated.

"Concentrate, it won't matter where she is if you get yourself killed during this task. Just concentrate on finding what has been taken from you." Andrew said trying to motivate his friend.

"That's it Andy. You genius. They must have taken her. I need to concentrate, I need to find her. How stupid of me, it was so obvious. I'm an idiot."

"Enough with the negative talk. You need to get your head on right and find her and preferably do it before everyone else." 

"Yes, you're right. I've got this. I'm going to save her." Cedric jumped up and down to pump himself up, his mind clear and his nerves fading away replaced by determination and focus on the goal at hand. Getting his sister back. 

George was standing with the crowd taking bets and keeping his eye out for Scarlett, he couldn't shake this uncomfortable feeling at the fact he still hadn't seen her.

"Oi George concentrate." Fred shouted 3 rows away from him snapping him out of his thoughts. He went back to collecting bets before Dumbledore announced the task.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions, a treasure of sorts. These 4 treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface, simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon."

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