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The sun was shining as a 11 year old boy ran through the garden with a 11 year old girl following close behind. The two each had a broom underneath them as they threw a ball back and forth. An owl flew by the pair into the open window of their house and dropped two letters on the kitchen counter in front of their mother before flying back out. The two looked at each other dropping the brooms and ball as a spark of excitmemt shot between them. They sprinted into the house through the back door

"Is that them?" The two children shouted in unison as they rounded the corner and into the kitchen. 

Their mother had them already in hand, holding the letters up and inspecting them. Before she could answer the children her husband walked in

"What's the commotion about?" he asked.

"Seems the twins got their Hogwarts letters." their mother replied with a chuckle at the excitement of her children.

As the news hit their ears the two screamed in excitement and ran to get their letters

"No way! We got a letter each." The young brown haired girl said in amazement before opening it up

"Dear Mr Diggory..." The young boy began reading aloud

"...we are pleased to inform you that you have..." the girl continued

"...a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft..."

"...& Wizardry."

"I'm so proud of the two of you." their father said pulling his children into a tight hug that they tried to wriggle out off but was reinforced by their mother joining in.

"My little babies are growing up." she said slightly overwhelmed with emotion.

"Muummm...daaddd...let goooo..." the twins whined in unison.


The Diggory family walked through Kings Cross station in perfect sync. Kate Diggory was pushing a trolley with a pristine leather trunk atop, the initials SCD embroidered on the front while holding her daughters hand tightly making sure to keep her close in such a busy station, at least that's what she told herself. In reality it was because she didn't want to let her children go. Amos Diggory was walking beside her pushing another trolley with a trunk matching the trunk on his wife's trolley but this had the initials CSD while he held his sons hand.

The family caught a few eyes from muggles as they walked past. They were a picture perfect family, all dressed pristinely and refined. They walked with confidence and grace almost looking like royalty, they were hard to miss. When they came to a stop in front of the entrance of platform 9 3/4 the twins looked across their parents to each other then up at their parents

"Ummm where is..." the young girl started to say

"...the platform?" her brother finished

"Look around, is anyone watching?" Amos asked his wife, ignoring the question posed by his children

"Not that..." Kate stopped as her eyes caught the sight of her old friend. "Molly, how wonderful to see you"

"Oh Kate darling, it's been so long." Molly Weasley replied as she approached the Diggory family pulling Kate into a hug

"My how you boys have grown, haven't seen you since you were, when was it now dear?" Kate posed to Amos as she bent down to greet the group of red headed boys who had neared their mother with their father close in toe.

"Charlie must have been 9 maybe 10 when the Weasleys last came round I think." he replied to his wife before pulling Molly into a hug and shaking Arthurs hand. Kate stood up to chat with the other set of parents leaving the kids to chat.

The little girl walked over to the red headed boys, her brother following her lead "Hi there, I'm Scarlett and this is my brother Cedric."

"You can call me Ced and her Scar for short." The twins held their hands out to shake.

The oldest boy took their hands and shook them happily before introducing his siblings

"Hello, I'm Bill, this is Charlie, this is Percy, those two are Fred and George and the two youngest over there are Ron and Ginny. Is this your first year?"

"Yeah it is, is it that obvious?" Scarlett replied happily

"Yeah, it's always easy to spot a 1st year, not in a bad way though. It's these twos first year too." Charlie pointed to the twins

"Nice another set of identical twins." one of them said as he took a step closer to the Diggory twins causing Scarletts face to drop.

"Fred! Don't be rude." Bill scolded.

"We're not identical, she's my twin sister" Cedric corrected putting emphasis on the female pronouns, taking a step in front of Scarlett protectively. 

The awkwardness was rising but the parents came to the rescue "Come on you lot. You can get to know each other on the train to Hogwarts. It will be a long journey so plenty of time to chat." Arthur directed as he hurried them along.

Scarlett grabbed her fathers hand and ran through the entrance with Cedric and her mother following close behind. 

The parents loaded their childrens trunks onto the train then escorted them to the entrance to one of the carriages

"Be good you two. Write often with everything that happens." Amos pulled them into a tight hug

"We love you so much, don't forget that. If you need anything at all, just write and let me know." Kate added desperately trying to hold back her tears before pulling them into a tight hug and kissing their cheeks.

"We will, love you." the two replied in unison before excitedly running off into the carriage to find a seat.


Scarlett and Cedric walked into the Great Hall in awe of the floating candles and the large number of students watching them. Scarlett's trance was broken when a young girl next to her began to talk "What house are you hoping to be sorted into?"

Scarlett turned to the girl "My family has a history of being sorted into Hufflepuff, so my brother and I are hoping the same."

"Well we have a few ancestors who were sorted into Gryffindor and I think one who was a Ravenclaw." Cedric joined in

"That's cool, my mum was a Ravenclaw, hoping I get sorted there too. My dad's a muggle so when I got my letter he was a bit surprised by this whole thing. I'm Bianca by the way."

"Hiya, I'm Scarlett and this is Cedric."

"Feel free to call me Ced and her Scar, for short."

"I'm Andrew, but call me Andy. I'm hoping for Hufflepuff too." the boy on the other side of Cedric said as he joined in the conversation

"Nice to meet you Andy." Cedric replied.

Before Scarlett and Bianca could say anything Professor McGonagall shushed them, so she could call each of them up and place the sorting hat on their heads. Cedric was the first out of the little group of four to be called up. Scarlett was nervous but excited to see where he would be sorted, she held her breathe in anticipation and let it out when the hat shouted


"Scarlett Diggory" Professor McGonagall called out, her voice echoing the silent room.

All eyes turned to Scarlett as she made her way to the front and sat on the chair waiting for the hat to be placed on her head.

"Interesting, very determined...a lot of bravery...quite the cunning streak you've got inside you when you unlock your rage...oh...but could be...well that's interesting...but what is this...your loyalty...that dedication you have...I think it's clear where you belong...HUFFLEPUFF."

A bright smile grew on Scarletts face as the Hufflepuff table cheered as she skipped towards her brother and her new housemates who welcomed her with open arms.

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