Chapter 4

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It was a few weeks after the Tri-Wizard had been announced and Cedric and Scarlett were discussing entering once again.

"If we both enter, we have to promise each other if one of us gets chosen the other won't be mad. We will support each other no matter what." Scarlett stated, Cedric nodded so she continued "It's settled then...we're entering the Tri-Wizard tournament next week."

Bianca walked over to them "Finally, you've come to your decision! We can celebrate your birthdays, now right?"

Andrew and their other friends joined in giving up the act of pretending not to ease drop and waiting eagerly for a response. Cedric smiled and put them out of their misery "Yes, we can celebrate our birthday now, what's the plan for tonight?"

Bianca and Andrew looked at each other and smiled "It's a surprise, have to do the most for our soon to be Tri-Wizard champion."

Scarletts smile widened, she loved surprise parties especially when they were for her. She jumped up and down with excitement "I cannot wait. Last years party was the best! Shame Angie won't be able to join us here in the common room."

"What makes you think this years celebration will be in the common room?" Andrew teased

"Where else would it be?" Scarletts eyebrows furrowed curiosity overpowering her excitement 

"You'll find out this evening." Bianca gave nothing away


Scarlett was in her room that she shard with fellow Hufflepuffs: Bianca, Hannah and Heidi, getting ready for the party. Only Bianca and Hannah were in the room getting ready, Heidi was in the common room with the rest of their friendship group. Scarlett pulled out a red strapless bodycon mini dress and a lilac strapless skater mini dress from the wardrobe 

"Which one?" Scarlett asked holding each dress in front of her showing the girls her options

"Think we're gonna have to get all the girls to help with this decision Scar." Bianca announced leaving the room in search for Heidi, Tasmin Applebee and Maxine O'Flaherty. Scarlett turned to Hannah who's gaze was going between each dress before finally replying "I'd go for the red, you'll look amazing in that'd also look so nice in the lilac."

The girls walked in just as Hannah finished 

"No, red! Show off that body! Make all the boys regret ever teasing you for how similar you were to Ced back in 1st year." Heidi encouraged as she looked between the options

"Yes! I love it when the boys forget how to talk when they see you dressed up. Makes it so much easier to steal their drinks from them." Tasmin added making herself comfortable on Scarletts bed

"We're not going to be able to dance in peace tonight are we?" Maxine joined in sitting on Bianca bed.

"We've never been able to dance in peace since Scar came back from to 3rd year with boobs." Bianca teased 

"Like you don't have a line of boys interrupting our fun at every party B." Scarlett retorted

"She's got you there B." Hannah piped up as she sat down to do her makeup.

"Oh shut it Hannah, have you even had your first kiss yet?" 

"I want it to be with someone I actually like and want to be with, not just some drunken hook up."

"Ain't nothing wrong with a drunken hookup Hannah. I've had some good kisses while drunk, those Weasley twins know how to kiss." Heidi got up to find a dress for herself while the rest of the girls giggled

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