Chapter 18

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It was the day of the last task and Scarlett was with her dad helping Cedric go over his knowledge of counter curses and weaknesses of magical creatures.

"You've got this Ced, my boy. You'll do us proud. I can see it now 'Cedric Diggory the Tri-Wizard champion!"

"I see it too dad, with a side note – Scarlett Diggory, his trainer and coach who deserves the glory too." Scarlett joked, successfully calming Cedrics nerves and making him chuckle

"Let him have this moment Letty, although I am so proud of you for helping him get this far. I couldn't be prouder of the both of you for caring and supporting each other. You make me and your mum so happy not just because you are so amazing individually but you are even stronger together and when Cedric lifts that cup we'll be holding it with him." Their dad said as they embraced. Scarlett had teared up at her fathers little speech

"You're going to do so amazing Ced." She said, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to hold back her tears

"Stop it Scar or I'll start crying too." He replied trying to hold back his emotion.

"Love you Ced, I'm so proud." She said before they let go of each other

"Time to go." Dumbeldore announced to the champions.

Mr Diggory led the two and walked out from under the stands. He was hit with excitment when the cheers and music hit his ears, his walk turned into a light jog and his showman side came out as he turned to point at his son who was close behind. Cedric felt a tad embarrassed at his fathers antics as most kids would be in that situation but he didn't let that stop him from enjoying the acolades. 

Scarlet walked out but stuck to the side of the stands before walking up to her friends who all had banners with Cedrics name on them and cheered. She smiled at her brother feeling so proud of what he had accomplished

"Silence. Earlier today, professor Moody placed the Tri-Wizard cup deep within the maze, only he knows it's exact position. Now as Mr Diggory..."

Scarlett and all the Hufflepuff stood up and cheered "GO ON CED!" Scarlett screamed as she watched her father lift Cedrics arm. Her twins reaction made her giggle, the disapproving scowl and eye roll, one both her and Cedric had done to both their parents hundreds of times before.

"And Mr Potter"

The Gryffindors cheered while Scarlett caught eyes with George who smiled at her and mouthed 'when the task starts I'll come sit with you' she nodded happily

Dumbledore continued "were tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum and Miss Delacour. First person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

Everyone cheered

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter and if at any point a contest wishes to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants gather round." He concluded before walking away leaving everyone in suspense waiting for the task to begin. Scarlett felt her nerves grow as she watched Cedric who looked concerned

"Champions prepare yourselves." He declared and Cedric went to his father who patted him on the shoulder

"You've got this son. Your mum and I are so proud of you. I love you my boy, good luck." He said cheering his son on before walking away

"Thanks dad, love you too." Cedric replied feeling slightly sick with nerves.

So turned to see Scarlett standing and cheering for him when she realised he was looking at her she mouthed 'Love you bro, good luck' while giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up. He felt the sickness dissipate and mouthed 'Love you too sis' before turning to his entrance to the maze. Dumbeldore started to count down but the canon went off and he made his way into the maze taking one final look to his sister, father and Cho.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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