Chapter 1

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Scarlett woke up to her brother banging on her door "Scarlett get up! We will be late!"

She struggled to open her eyes, they felt so heavy. She couldn't keep them open for long, as the weight of her eyelids got too much to bear, she had to shut them again and mumbled "Late for what?" 

She freed one arm from under the duvet but was met with a bitterly cold breeze which made her recoil back under but shook her enough to open her eyes and realise it was hardly light. 

Cedric who had heard her mumble but wasn't able to make out what she said opened the door to see his twin sister still wrapped up in her duvet. "What are you playing at Scar? We have the Quidditch final to go to!"

Scarlett turned onto her back pushing her hair out of her face as she did so "I don't see why I have to go because dad got tickets from the ministry." 

She winced at the feel of her hair, it was greasy. She sighed knowing that meant she had to shower. She looked at Cedric hoping that one of his friends was free to go with him instead.

Cedric understood her look instantly "I know you hate watching from the stands and I tried to get one of the guys to come but they were all busy or their parents wouldn't let them. Which is a good thing because dad would be heartbroken if you didn't go. He wants to spend time with us since he's always so busy at the ministry lately."

She sighed and sat up knowing her brother was right. "I just hate heights and those stands are so high." 

Cedric chuckled as he walked closer to her bed "I will never understand how you love playing quidditch and flying when you are terrified of heights."

Scarlett built up the energy to get herself up to hit her brother "Look I can't explain my irrational fears, but at least I'm still the best quidditch player of our house unlike a certain someone who isn't scared of heights."

Cedric glared at her, she knew she was in for a fight for that comment so before he could get a hold of her, she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She could see out of the corner of her eye that her brother was close behind her but she her surprise movement gave her enough of a head start to make it to the bathroom just in time to lock the door before her brother caught up and banged his hands on the door.

"You may be the best chaser on the team, but you could not beat me when it comes to spotting the golden snitch" He yelled through the door as Scarlett started to brush her teeth, refusing to acknowledge him. 

She heard him walk away and giggled to herself. She remembered her first time flying, how nervous she had been and how much she dreaded the class yet when it was time to pick up her broom and fly she was a natural, her fear of heights gone or so she thought. When she went to her first school quidditch match and watched from the stands with her friends she realised she was still terrified and couldn't stay up there to watch.

Scarlett got into the shower and started to wash herself. Her dark hair stuck to her face as the water glided down. She closed her eyes hiding the green specks in her hazel eyes, as the water slid down her skin hugging every curve of her body. At the age of 14 she hit puberty and was no longer a little tom boy who looked nearly identical to her brother but instead had ample curves which she loved as she felt more feminine. She had always struggled as a child being teased about looking so similar to her brother. Now no one could mistake her for him, not only because of her hourglass figure and ample bosom but because she was a nearly half a foot shorter than him.

Scarlett got out of the shower, wrapped herself in her towel and walked to her room whistling happily now that she felt fresh and awake. Her father walked out of her parents room just in time to spot her before she closed her door "Letty just so you're prepared for tonight our seats are..." 

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