Chapter 13

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Scarlett woke up to whispering behind her. She felt very groggy and sleepy since she'd only got back to her room at 4am and was a tad bit hungover since George had managed to find them some firewhisky. She turned around to find out what was going on but unfortunately turning around didn't help her hear the whispers any clearer so she was forced to open her eyes. She sluggishly opened an eye to see Bianca, Heidi, Tamsin and Hannah sitting on Biancas bed whispering. They looked engrossed in whatever it was they were talking about. An inward battle started within Scarlett between ignoring the girls and going back to sleep or waking up fully to find out what juicy gossip they were talking about. Her curiosity won the battle and she opened both her eyse and sat up while stretching and yawning

"What are you girls whispering about? I do warn you, if this isn't juicy gossip I will throw my pillow at you for waking me up." Scarlett asked as the girls turned their attention to her

"Just recapping last night. You and Angie were amazing with what you pulled on Karl and from what I've heard he's staying silent on who did it because he's ashamed two girls got the better of him." Bianca replied peppier than the last time Scarlett had seen her which made Scarlett happy. She didn't like seeing her best friend upset.

"Why am I not surprised?! Oh well, at least we won't get into trouble." She was unimpressed with Karl's behaviour

"Also Hermione had a horrible night last night." Hannah gossiped excited to provide information to the group

"Please don't tell me Viktor pulled a Karl?!" Scarlett rolled her eyes at the thought

"No, no. She had a huge argument with Ron and Harry. Apparently they accused her of fraternising with the enemy or something like that. She ended up shouting at them and sending them to bed." Hannah explained, the girls couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Hermione publicly telling the boys to go to bed like their mother.

"I'm not surprised. Harry is fame hungry. Probably didn't like Viktor spending time with one of his best friends." Tamsin stated with contempt still feeling hard done by at the fact Harry had been chosen as a champion.

"I don't know. I've started to get to know Harry a bit better and he doesn't seem the type. After all, he did tell Ced about the first task being dragons. He didn't have to." Scarlett defended understanding how everyone felt but unable to stand by and let them crucify someone she had started to think of as a friend.

"I guess." The girls replied in unison

"I might be able to find out more information from Georgie later today." Scarlett tried to bring the mood back up. She succeeded and the girls were smiling at the idea of getting some more gossip.

"Speaking of George, where did you two disappear to Scar?" Heidi questioned ready for some inside information from Scarlett.

"Just went out for some air and privacy. Got too stuffy in the party." Scarlett replied innocently

"A likely story. Angie was told by Fred that he found you two in a very intense make out session." Bianca commented with a cheeky grin on her face causing Scarlett to turn bright red "It's funny the stuff people tell you to try and cheer you up, eh Scar" Bianca continued with a wink

Scarlett realised her friend knew more than she had shared "Fine, you win. Me and George kind of got a bit carried away last night." she reluctantly admitted

"Ouuuu how carried away?" Bianca leaned in desperate for the details

"Let's just say, if Fred hadn't interrupted I probably wouldn't have woken up alone." She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom leaving the girls to excitedly squeal at the news. She exited with her toothbrush hoping they had changed the subject but instead was bombarded with many more questions

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