Psychotic Love

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The day began like any other for Seungmin, a high school student with a seemingly perfect life: a loving boyfriend named Felix, a group of close friends, and good grades to boot.

However, unbeknownst to him, there was a ticking time bomb in the form of a psychopath named Hyunjin, who had been obsessively stalking him for months.

Hyunjin had collected every bit of personal information about Seungmin, from his date of birth to his location, and embedded it all into his twisted mind. He hated Felix with a passion, believing that the older boy had "stolen" Seungmin away from him, and vowed to make him pay.

As fate would have it, the day finally arrived when Seungmin and Felix decided to go on a romantic stroll after school. Little did they know that their lives were about to be turned upside down. Minho and Changbin, two other students who were secretly friends with Hyunjin, had promised to act as lookouts while he carried out his plan. They nervously waited outside the school, watching as their twisted friend approached them, a knife gripped tightly in his hand.

Bang Chan and Jeongin, two more students who had inadvertently become involved with Hyunjin, stood nearby, their faces pale with fear. They had tried to convince Hyunjin to stop, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. Jisung, the only one of the group who seemed to have a shred of decency left, had stayed away from the scene, unwilling to participate in such a heinous act.

As Seungmin and Felix walked hand in hand down the street, Hyunjin drew closer, his knife gleaming in the afternoon sun. The seconds ticked by agonizingly slowly, each one feeling like an eternity to the terrified couple. Finally, Hyunjin lunged forward, thrusting the knife into Felix's chest with all his might. Blood gushed from the wound, painting the sidewalk red as Felix crumpled to the ground, his lifeless body twitching spasmodically.

Seungmin screamed in horror, his voice piercing the air. Minho and Changbin averted their gazes, unable to watch as their friend's twisted plan unfolded before their eyes. Bang Chan and Jeongin took a few steps back, their hands covering their mouths in shock. Jisung, still at a distance, closed his eyes tightly, wishing he could unsee what was happening.

Hyunjin, now consumed by a mixture of rage and satisfaction, turned his attention back to Seungmin. He grabbed the sobbing boy by the arm, his grip like steel.

"You're finally mine," he hissed through clenched teeth, "just like I always wanted." With that, he dragged Seungmin to his car, where he had previously knocked out the unfortunate driver.

As they drove away from the scene of the crime, Seungmin struggled futilely against Hyunjin's iron grip.

"Why? Why did you do that? Felix didn't deserve this!" he cried, his voice hoarse from tears and fear.

But Hyunjin merely laughed maniacally, his reply dripping with malice. "Because you belong to me, Seungmin. Always have, always will."

The car came to a stop in an abandoned parking lot, far from any prying eyes. Hyunjin pulled Seungmin roughly out of the car and threw him against the hood. His face was flushed with anger, his breath hot on Seungmin's neck.

"You're mine now, Seungmin," he whispered, his voice a low growl. "And from now on, you'll only ever belong to me."

With that, Hyunjin leaned in, his lips pressing against Seungmin's, forcing the terrified boy to kiss him back. As their tongues tangled, Seungmin felt a chill run down his spine. It was as if a part of him was already dead, and all that remained was the shell of a boy who had once been in love. And even as he fought against it, he knew that Hyunjin was right. He did belong to him now, whether he liked it or not.

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