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It was dawn, the sky a soft blend of pink and orange. Seungmin and Hyunjin lay entwined in the sheets, their bodies still slick with sweat and the remnants of their lovemaking. The air was heavy with the scent of sex and the faintest hint of something bitter that lingered on Seungmin's tongue.

~|Time Skip|~

For a week or so now, he had been waking up every morning feeling queasy, his stomach churning uncontrollably until he finally vomited into the toilet. This morning, however, was different. As he lay there, his heart racing and his throat tight, he knew with absolute certainty that it wasn't just morning sickness anymore.

Deciding that it was time to face the reality of their situation, Seungmin reluctantly got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He splashed some cold water on his face, then looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks flushed, and there was a faint line of dried saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth. He looked like hell.

As he stood there, debating whether or not to go to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test, he heard a knock on the door. It was Hyunjin, asking if he was feeling better. Seungmin hesitated for a moment, then called out that he was fine. There was no way he could explain this to Hyunjin just yet.

After Hyunjin left, Seungmin gathered up his courage and headed out to the pharmacy. The bright fluorescent lights and the bustle of people around him made him feel a little queasy, but he managed to find the pregnancy tests and purchase one without anyone noticing. As he made his way back home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding weighing down on his shoulders. What would he do if the test came back positive? How would Hyunjin react? And most importantly, what would they do about their baby?

When Seungmin finally returned home, he was relieved to see that Hyunjin was still there. He quickly hid the pregnancy test in his room, making sure it was well out of sight. Then, with a deep breath, he walked back into the living room, forcing a smile onto his face. "Hey, I'm back," he said, trying to sound cheerful. "Feeling much better now."

Hyunjin looked up from the book he'd been reading and smiled back at Seungmin. "That's good to hear," he said, setting his book aside. "I was just about to make us some breakfast. Do you want anything in particular?"

Seungmin hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to go through with his plan. But then, with a deep breath, he decided that there was no better time than the present. "Actually," he said, trying to sound casual, "I think I left something in my room. I'll be right back." Without waiting for a response, he hurried into his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

Quickly, he locked the door and took the pregnancy test out of its packaging. His hands were shaking as he followed the instructions, urinating on the small stick of plastic. He waited, heart pounding in his chest, for the results to appear. When they finally did, he could barely bring himself to look. But there was no mistaking it: the test was positive.

Seungmin felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he processed this new information. He didn't know what to do, or how to feel. He wanted to run away, to hide from this reality, but he knew that wasn't an option. He took a deep breath and carefully set the test aside, then washed his hands and made his way back out to the living room.

When he returned, Hyunjin was sitting at the kitchen table, idly flipping through a magazine. He looked up as Seungmin approached and smiled warmly at him. "Everything alright?" he asked, noticing the slight flush in Seungmin's cheeks.

Seungmin forced a smile back, feeling like his heart was about to burst from his chest. "Yeah," he said, trying to sound casual. "I'm fine. Just feeling a little tired, I guess." He paused, debating whether or not to tell Hyunjin the truth. "Listen, um... Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Yes, Seungmin?"

There was no easy way to say it, so Seungmin decided to just come out with it. "I... I think I might be pregnant." The words hung in the air between them, heavy and ominous. For a moment, neither of them said anything; they just stared at each other, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

"You sure?" Hyunjin asked.

Seungmin nodded. "I took a test. It was positive."

The color drained from Hyunjin's face. He stared down at the table, his hands shaking slightly. After a long moment of silence, he looked up at Seungmin. "Oh my God," he whispered. "Are you serious?"

Seungmin nodded again, unable to meet Hyunjin's eyes. He felt a lump forming in his throat as he fought back tears. "I'm sorry, Hyunjin. I don't know what to say."

Hyunjin got up from his chair and walked over to Seungmin, wrapping his arms around him. They stood there for a while, just holding each other, their bodies trembling with emotion. "It's going to be okay," Hyunjin whispered into Seungmin's hair. "We'll figure it out together."

They stayed like that for a while longer, neither of them speaking. Eventually, Hyunjin pulled away and took a deep breath. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently. "I mean, how did this happen?"

Seungmin hesitated. He wasn't sure if he was ready to discuss that part yet. But he knew they couldn't keep avoiding the subject. "Well..." he began, trying to gather his thoughts. "It was the night of our first anniversary. We'd had too much to drink at dinner, and... and we were being a little careless. I think we both knew what we were doing, but we just... didn't think about it." He paused, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Hyunjin. I never meant for this to happen."

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Seungmin again, holding him close. "Hey, it's not your fault. It takes two, you know?" He paused. "But we'll figure it out together, okay? We'll talk to my parents, see what they say. We'll get through this."

The two of them stood there for a while longer, holding each other up. Eventually, they made their way to the kitchen table, sitting down across from one another. Hyunjin reached over and took Seungmin's hand in his own, giving it a squeeze. "No matter what happens, you know I'm here for you, right?"

Seungmin nodded, wiping away a tear. "I know." He took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "And I'm here for you too. We'll face this together, no matter what."

(Zamn , this is longer than my other oneshots)

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