Phobia (2)

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"Have you eaten anything today, Minnie?" Jisung asked with a worried look.

"Yes, I have," the younger replied, feeling guilty as he had lied again to one of his best friends.


"You guys should stop being such fat pigs, "Seungmin's father yelled at him and his sister Soyeon (one of the best K-pop group leaders).

In fact, his parents were the epitome of controlling and abusive. They would often withhold food from them, only allowing them to eat scraps and leftovers. Seungmin vividly remembered how, when he was just a little kid, he would cry himself to sleep at night because he was so hungry. His father would yell at him and call him a fat pig, even though he was just a normal weight for his age. His mother would always join in, telling the children that no one would marry them if they were ugly (in her eyes) and fat.

About Soyeon, she was the best noona anyone could ask for. Despite being under the same roof as their abusive parents, she always made sure to share her food with Seungmin. She would sneak him extra rations whenever their parents weren't looking. It was because of her that Seungmin was able to survive those tough times. They had each other's backs, and they knew that no matter what happened, they would always have someone to lean on.

~Another flashback cause why not~

Seungmin thought that Hyunjin would possibly be the best husband he could ever ask for, but that was NOT TRUE . Ever since the incident at the restaurant, Hyunjin treated Seungmin like a doll, only useful to cook ,clean and have sex with.

"How do I look?" Seungmin asked, twirling around.

"Fat," Hyunjin replied. "You should lose some weight, Seungmin."

Seungmin turned his head away so Hyunjin wouldn't see the tears in Seungmin's eyes. "Okay...I'll try harder to lose weight," he said, forcing a smile. "I'm sorry if I've made you unhappy...I love you."

It was a kind of a lie. He knew that Hyunjin never loved him truely. Their relationship was completely one-sided.

Instead, Seungmin started going on strict diets, exercising more, and even started to vomit up his food when he thought no one was looking. He became thinner and thinner, but it didn't seem to matter to Hyunjin. In fact, it only seemed to make things worse. Hyunjin would criticize Seungmin more, telling him he was still fat and needed to lose more weight. He would even go so far as to push Seungmin's head into the toilet when he was forced to throw up from overexerting himself.

~End of Flashback ~

"Hyung, please, eat something," Jeongin pleaded.

Seungmin looked at his hyung, Jisung, with tired eyes. "I'm not hungry, Sungie." He forced a smile, trying to hide the pain that was welling up inside of him. He knew that Jisung was only trying to help, but Seungmin couldn't bear the thought of eating anything more. The food just reminded him of the lies he'd been telling, of the weight he'd been carrying around for far too long.

But he would carry it for longer.

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