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Seungmin's eyes widened as he turned the page, realizing that he was only a few chapters away from finishing the book. The library around him seemed to fade into the background as he became completely engrossed in the story. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and sadness; he was eager to find out how it ended, but at the same time, he didn't want the journey to end.

As he continued reading, he found himself relating to the characters in ways he never had before. The story had a way of making him feel seen, understood. It made him realize that perhaps his own life wasn't as ordinary as he had once thought. There was beauty and adventure to be found in the mundane, if only one knew where to look.

Time seemed to slip away as Seungmin delved deeper into the world created by the author. He lost track of how long he had been sitting there, lost in the pages. He only became aware of his surroundings when a librarian gently tapped him on the shoulder, reminding him that the library was about to close. With a heavy heart, Seungmin gathered his things and made his way to the checkout counter. As he handed over the book, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness, as if he were saying goodbye to a close friend (it's really like this though) .

Seungmin turned around, hoping to find another book that would capture his imagination as much as the first one had. He scanned the shelves, searching for something that called out to him, but nothing seemed to stand out. He walked farther into the library, venturing into unfamiliar territory, hoping to stumble upon a hidden gem. As he wandered, he noticed a book sitting on a high shelf, just out of reach. It looked intriguing, with a beautiful cover and a title that made him want to know more. He considered asking for a stepladder, but then realized that he didn't want to risk damaging the book or disturbing its resting place.

Just as he was about to give up and return to his usual haunts, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around to see a beautiful boy standing behind him. He had dark hair that fell in messy bangs around his face, captivating ,sharp eyes that seemed to hold a thousand stories, and a warm smile that lit up his entire being.

"Hi, I'm Hyunjin," the boy said softly, his voice like honey drizzled over Seungmin's tongue. "I noticed you've been trying to reach that book on the top shelf. Do you want some help?"

Seungmin's heart skipped a beat as he realized the beauty before him was offering to help him. "Oh, um, sure," he stammered, trying to compose himself. "That would be really nice of you."

Hyunjin nodded and without further ado, climbed up onto a nearby chair, reaching out to grasp the book. He pulled it down gently, dusting it off before handing it to Seungmin. As their fingers brushed against each other, Seungmin felt a spark of electricity shoot through him.

"There you go," Hyunjin said with a grin, his voice like the tinkling of a tiny bell. "I hope you enjoy it."

Seungmin couldn't help but stare at the boy in front of him, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and attraction. "Thank you, Hyunjin," he said, trying to maintain eye contact. "You're really sweet."

"No, thank you," Hyunjin replied with a blush. "It was my pleasure."

Time seemed to stand still as they stood there, the library around them fading into the background. They could have talked for hours, sharing stories and laughing together. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and eventually, Seungmin knew he would have to part ways with this beautiful boy who had somehow managed to find his way into his heart.

"Well," Seungmin said, clearing his throat, "I should probably get going. It was really nice meeting you, Hyunjin."

"Likewise," Hyunjin replied, a small pout forming on his PLUMP lips. "But promise me you'll come back and visit me again sometime?" He looked up at Seungmin through his long eyelashes, his eyes shining with hope.

Seungmin felt his heart flutter at the boy's words and gesture. He couldn't help but smile reassuringly. "I promise, Hyunjin. I'll be back. In fact, I'll make sure to come here every day until I see you again."

Hyunjin's face lit up like a candle in the darkness. "Really? That would be wonderful!" He leaned in closer, their faces barely inches apart. "Maybe... next time we could even exchange numbers?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seungmin felt his heart race as he considered the possibility of spending more time with this incredible boy. "That sounds like a great idea," he managed to reply, his voice barely louder than Hyunjin's. He leaned in even closer, so close that he could feel the warmth of Hyunjin's breath on his skin.

As they stood there in the dimly lit library, lost in each other's gazes, the world around them faded into the background. It felt as if time had stopped, as if nothing else mattered but the moment they were sharing. And when Seungmin finally leaned in and pressed his lips against Hyunjin's (how did I get to writing this?), it seemed only natural, as if it had been fate all along.

The kiss was soft and gentle at first, a tentative exploration of lips and tongues. But as they grew more comfortable with each other, it deepened, becoming passionate and urgent. Their bodies pressed together, and Seungmin could feel the boy's heart racing beneath his fingers as he held him close.

When at last they broke apart, panting and flushed, Seungmin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude wash over him. "I had no idea the library could be so magical," he said with a grin.

Hyunjin blushed prettily and ducked his head, looking demurely up at Seungmin through his long eyelashes. "Me neither," he replied, a soft laugh escaping him. "But I'm glad I found you, Seungmin. You're really special ."(You are my special).

Here's my face reveal:

I'm sorry your author-nim is not really good looking 😔😔😔

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I'm sorry your author-nim is not really good looking 😔😔😔

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