Bite Me (1)

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~ It's you and me in this world                                                                                                                              Naegero dashi wa tie me ~

Seungmin was probably your average-looking boy. Actually, ignore that last sentence, he's ADORABLE. There was something about his eyes that made Hyunjin feel drawn to him. Maybe it was the way they seemed to sparkle whenever he smiled, or the way they would widen in surprise at the smallest things. Whatever it was, there was no denying that Seungmin had a certain charm that made Hyunjin feel... different, even if Hyunjin was the vampire king and Seungmin was just a citizen.

One day, Seungmin was picking some apples (The way I was about to write chicken-) and Hyunjin saw it from his palace (he accidentally went on palace grounds without permission) and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, but he just had to have the boy for himself. So, he made the decision to take him.

Without much hesitation, Hyunjin sent his guards to capture Seungmin. They surrounded him, their black cloaks billowing in the wind as they closed in on the unsuspecting boy. Seungmin's heart raced as he realized what was happening, but it was too late. He was no match for their supernatural strength. "Get off me!" he cried, struggling futilely against their grip. One hit the younger's head hard, rendering him unconscious.

They dragged him back to the palace, through dimly lit corridors and dusty chambers. When they finally reached their destination, Seungmin awoke with a start, disoriented and confused. His surroundings were damp and cold, and he could feel the rough stone walls pressing against his back. The air was thick with the stench of mildew and decay. He blinked, struggling to adjust to the dim light filtering through the bars of his cell.

As he lay there, trying to gather his wits, he heard footsteps approaching. A figure clad in black cloak entered the chamber, a single candle held aloft, casting flickering shadows across the floor. Seungmin's heart raced as he recognized the vampire king, Hyunjin. The king knelt down beside him, his pale skin glistening in the candlelight.

"Don't be afraid," Hyunjin whispered, his voice as cold as the stone around them. "I'm here to help you." His words sent a shiver down Seungmin's spine. He wanted to believe them, but something deep inside told him that this was not the rescue he had been hoping for. As Hyunjin reached out to touch his cheek, Seungmin closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable pain.

But it never came. Instead, he felt the vampire's breath against his skin, warm and gentle. When he opened his eyes, Hyunjin was staring back at him, a mix of hunger and longing in his gaze. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, tracing a finger down Seungmin's chest. "I've wanted you for so long."

"Well, there's one thing for sure. He is damn sexy," Seungmin thought, feeling a mixture of fear and arousal wash over him as Hyunjin continued to touch him. The vampire's fingers trailed lower, dipping beneath the waistband of his pants, sending a wave of heat through his core. "You don't have to be afraid," Hyunjin purred, his lips brushing against Seungmin's ear. "I won't hurt you. I just want to... show you how good it can feel."

Crying, panting, screaming, he's SO HOT!

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