Idol (2)

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As the sun beat down relentlessly on the asphalt, casting long, oppressive shadows across the JYP Entertainment building, Seungmin and Felix squinted at the gleaming glass doors in front of them. They had been waiting for this moment for a week, ever since they'd received the audition invitation whilst chopping. Now that the day had finally arrived, their excitement was tempered by a healthy dose of nerves.

"You okay?" Felix asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He shot Seungmin a sideways glance as they stood there, clutching their bags and wearing nervous expressions.

"Yeah," Seungmin replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Let's just go in and do our best, yeah?"

They took a deep breath and stepped forward, their shoes squeaking slightly against the clean floor. As they approached the doors, they could feel the weight of expectations pressing down on them. With one final glance at each other, they opened the doors of the building.

As soon as they walked in, a member of staff approached them. "Are you here for the audition?" she asked, her voice pleasant and professional. "Yes, we are," Seungmin replied, his voice shaking slightly. The staff member smiled reassuringly and led them to a room where several other young people were practising their routines.

"Good luck," the staff member said, giving them each a small smile before leaving them to their own devices. The two boys looked around the room, taking in the other hopefuls. One boy, in particular, caught Seungmin's attention. He was whispering to his friend, nodding in their direction and saying something about how they would definitely pass the audition.

Seungmin's cheeks flushed, and he felt a mixture of annoyance and self-doubt. He turned away from the boy and began to pace back and forth, trying to calm his nerves. As he did so, he collided with another boy, a few centimetres taller than him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" the boy exclaimed, his voice tinged with embarrassment. He had short brown hair, a mole under his left eye, and was noticeably plumper than Seungmin had expected. His lips were full and juicy, and his jawline was sharp enough to cut glass.

"It's okay," Seungmin mumbled, still a bit shaken from the accident. "It was my fault." The boy, whom Seungmin would later learn was called Hyunjin, smiled at him, revealing a set of perfectly straight, white teeth. "Really, it's fine. You didn't hurt me." His voice was soft and melodic, like the gentle humming of a summer breeze through the trees.

Seungmin felt a strange warmth spread through his chest as he looked into Hyunjin's big, expressive eyes. He couldn't help but notice how full and lush his eyelashes were, framing those gorgeous orbs. It made him feel a little self-conscious about his own appearance, which he'd always thought was pretty average (this is false, which is proved by many stays in the 5-Star era).

"Hey," Hyunjin said gently, reaching out to pat Seungmin's arm reassuringly. "It's okay if you were looking. I don't mind."

Seungmin looked up at him, feeling a mixture of surprise and gratitude. He hadn't expected the older boy to be so understanding and non-judgmental. "Oh, um... I just... You looked familiar," he stammered, wishing he could convey his true feelings without making a fool of himself.

Hyunjin smiled, revealing a small gap between his front teeth. It was endearing, somehow. "Maybe we've seen each other around before," he suggested. "Or maybe we both have that 'puppy-like' quality about us." He gestured towards Seungmin's oversized sweater and messy hair. "I mean, you're cute too."

The words left Seungmin's mouth in a whisper. "Cute? I'm not cute." He couldn't help but blush harder at the compliment.

Hyunjin laughed, a warm and genuine sound that made Seungmin feel even more self-conscious about his appearance. "Of course you are," he insisted. "You have this innocent, puppy-like quality that's just irresistible." He leaned in closer, his breath tickling Seungmin's earlobe. "And I'm not just saying that because I want you to think I'm nice or anything."

Seungmin felt a shiver run down his spine at the older boy's words. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Hyunjin, and it was obvious that the feelings were mutual. The audition could wait.

As they continued to talk, their voices blending together in a harmonious symphony of laughter and playful banter, the rest of the world seemed to fade away. Time itself seemed to slow down, as if the universe had conspired to give them this brief moment in the spotlight. It was as if they were the only two people in the entire room.

Their hands brushed against each other, sending electric currents up their spines. Seungmin couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to touch Hyunjin in a more intimate way. He longed to explore the softness of his skin, to feel the warmth of his breath against his own.

Finally, the door to the audition room swung open, interrupting their tender moment. They exchanged one last, longing glance before reluctantly parting ways. As Seungmin stepped inside the room, his heart racing and his cheeks flushed, he knew that no matter what happened during the audition, this encounter with Hyunjin would always be a cherished memory.

Hmmm, how will the audition go? We will see in the next chapter...

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