In the Janitor's Closet

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Hyunjin's heart was beating so fast that he could feel it in his eardrums. His palms were sweaty, and his cheeks flushed as he stared at Seungmin across the English classroom. He couldn't help but daydream about what it would be like to kiss him, to feel his soft lips against his own. He imagined Seungmin's soft, plump lips as they tangled together, his hands running up and down Hyunjin's back, pulling him closer. It was ridiculous, he knew. They barely spoke to each other, and yet here he was, lost in these delusions.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and Hyunjin forced himself to snap out of his reverie. He gathered his things quickly, not wanting Seungmin to see him staring, and made a beeline for the door. But as he turned to leave, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Earth to Hyunjin," Changbin said, rolling his eyes. "Are you even listening to anything I'm saying?"

Hyunjin blinked, realizing that Changbin had been trying to get his attention for a while now. "Oh, uh, yeah, of course," he stammered, feeling his cheeks heat up even more. "Sorry, my mind wandered there for a sec."

As they exited the classroom, Changbin shot him another sideways glance before walking away, shaking his head. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile to himself, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope after all.

After his next class, he waited anxiously for Seungmin outside the door, praying that he would linger around long enough for Hyunjin to gather up the courage to speak to him. Finally, the bell rang, signifying the end of Seungmin's class as well, and Hyunjin practically launched himself at him, tripping over his own feet in the process.

"Oh, um, hey," Seungmin said, looking surprised but not unpleasantly so. "Hyunjin, right?"

"Y-yeah," Hyunjin managed to choke out. "Listen, I was wondering if, um, if you wanted to, you know, hang out or something after school?"

Seungmin seemed to consider this for a moment before answering. "Well, I actually have something else I need to do, but maybe another time?" he offered, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

But just as he finished speaking, Hyunjin was already moving, his lips closing the distance between them. He felt Seungmin tense for a moment before relaxing into the kiss, returning it with an equal measure of surprise and hesitation. Their lips fit together perfectly, their breath mingling as their tongues danced tentatively. The kiss deepened, becoming more passionate, more urgent, as if they both had been waiting for this moment their entire lives.

Time seemed to stand still as they were lost in the moment, oblivious to the world around them. But all too soon, Changbin's voice cut through the haze, calling out from the hallway outside the janitor's closet. "What the hell are you two doing in there?!"

Seungmin stumbled back, his cheeks flushed and his eyes wide with shock. "Wh-what?" he stammered, looking at Changbin, then back at Hyunjin. "We weren't doing anything!"

Hyunjin's heart raced as he tried to play it cool, even though he could feel the heat rising in his own cheeks. "Yeah, we were just, uh, talking..." he trailed off, his voice wavering. "Anyway, Changbin, why don't you just leave us alone?"

"Rude ass bitch," Changbin muttered as the two boys laughed.

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