Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Me and my friend own nothing but the plot and Ocs, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Cayden Malfoy stood in the sunlight. The beaming of her shiny strawberry-blonde hair made the summer day even more bright. Her dad, Draco, appeared. Her mum had abandoned her when she was three. Her dad had raised her ever since. Cayden was an only child of Haliegh Grute, since her dad was so busy raising her right he never had time for going out and playing in the field. Her favorite words her dad ever said was,

"Even if every person lined up there still would only be one you," She lived by that. Her dad was the wisest person she knew. She doubted she would ever feel that way about anyone else. On the night of her eleventh birthday, she awoke in the middle of the night to a letter carefully placed on her bedside table. It was addressed to her with no return address. It was from Hogwarts, she just knew it was. Her eyes glowed. Her dad had told her about this and how it was the place where he learned he did not have to be strong all the time and he met the famous, "Harry Potter''. She ripped it open with delight. She was accepted and she jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to tell her dad. He was smiling from ear to ear when he heard the news. She smiled right back.

Maria Granger-Weasley shivered. Even though she was at her brother's party and it was boiling outside, the basement was frigid. It was midnight and her 11th birthday. She got up to get a pop and came back to find a letter addressed to her on the couch she was sitting on. She looked around to see who put it but everyone was in the other corner. The letter was from Hogwarts. She smiled. Her parents told her about this. Her mum, Hermione, and her dad, Ron. She excitedly opened it up. She was beaming at the sight of the words, "You've been accepted into Hogwarts!" Her brother had not been accepted but she was! She ran upstairs and turned towards the kitchen where her mum was.

James Potter was mad. His little sister, Anna, was so annoying. He was grumpy when he saw a letter that was not there on the T.V. stand before. He peered at it. It was a letter from Hogwarts. He opened it with disregard. He had been accepted. He just walked up to his parents, Ginny and Harry Potter, and told them they were absolutely delighted but he was still in a bad mood because of Anna.. He just settled into his bed because he was awake and it was the middle of the night and he really wanted to go to bed.

Cayden was excited. She had all her things and ran through 9¾. She boarded and she suddenly didn't feel good. The others were whispering.

"Look out, it's a Malfoy."

"I heard she buys geese just to gut and eat them."

"She's bad luck," She migrated herself to a seat that was at the back and vacant. She started to cry. She now just wanted to go home to her dad. He would hug her and say, "Oh, sweet pea it's alright," Just when she imagined it, a voice broke through,

"Can I sit next to you?"

"Sure," The girl had curly hair but it was a dark red, almost brown. She had a smile that just soothes the soul. She smiled and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Maria Granger-Weasley. Daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, you?"

"Cayden...Malfoy, daughter of Draco Malfoy and Haleigh Grute, but my mum abandoned me when I was three and I have a half sibling, Damian. He has a different mum," She smiled sympathetically. They ended up talking all the way through the ride there.

They got off the train, and then followed the voice yelling "first years, first years'". They entered the small boats and stared at the castle above. Once the boats stopped with a lurch, headmistress McGonogal asked the first years to get out of the boats and wait in the entrance hall.

Maria had boarded the train to Hogwarts just in time. Her cousin James had been the first one on. He was always early, never on time, just early. She went to the back so she could be away from all the other snobby first years. She walked down and heard what seemed like crying. A girl was sitting there with tears streaming down her face. She walked up and said,

"Can I sit next to you?"

"Sure," the voice belonged to a blonde pale girl, who looked guiltless compared to all the others on the train. Maria sat down. She just smiled at the girl hoping it would soothe her.

"Hi, I'm Maria Granger-Weasley. Daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, you?"

"Cayden...Malfoy, daughter of Draco Malfoy and Haleigh Grute, but my mum abandoned me when I was three and I have a half sibling, Damian. He has a different mum.," Maria smiled still but more sympathetically. Maria and Cayden talked for as long as it took to get there to Hogwarts. Maria and her were laughing crazily when they got off the train.

They got their bags and followed the voice saying "first years, first years". They saw the dock and looked at the small boats. They entered the boat and both stared at the castle above. They exited the boats and walked up to the entrance hall where Headmistress McGonogal was telling students to wait quietly.

James just wanted peace and quiet. He had that when he was on the train and him only. Now there were dozens of others that were annoying him. "This isn't much better than Anna," he thought as he listened to the pointless conversations of the kids. James was sitting there in the front surrounded by pretentious kids who thought they were better than everyone else who wasn't invited. He just wanted to arrive at the castle and collapse on his bed. He ended up falling asleep for the rest of the ride. He drifted through the hours and he awoke when the train stopped. He grabbed his bags and exited the train. He confusedly looked around to see where he was supposed to go. He saw a stream of first years heading toward the lake and followed them until he reached the docks. James quietly entered a boat, He then had a long look at the castle above. He was brought out of his trance when his boat stopped with a lurch. He got out of the boat, and followed the crowd toward the school.

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