Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: Me and my friend own nothing but the plot and Ocs, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Before anyone could speak, Adam had the blade to Cayden's throat. Cayden was scared to breathe in case the blade would pierce her skin. Maria had no idea what to do. Maria was looking around trying to find something she could use. Cayden had his wand so she had no luck getting that. She regretted not having her wand. Maria did all that she could think. Over the summer everytime they had to leave each other they made a signal. A whistle. Maria whistled. Cayden understood. Praying that Maria wasn't going to be gone for too long. Maria had a plan. Her plan was also a risky one though.

"JAMES!" Maria yelled, hitting her cousin with a pillow.

"What do you want?" James asked lazily.

"I need you to help me ambush the guy who's holding Cayden hostage." Maria demanded.

"You mean Adam?" James asked.

"Ye- how do you know his name?" Maria asked.

"Intuition." James replied with a smirk.

"Intuition isn't knowing completely. James-"


"You're working with him aren't you?"

"What no! Maria, i think you've lost your mind,"

"Maybe you're right," Maria sighed.

"Mhm, 'maybe I'm right' she says." James mocked.

"Anyways back on point, I need your help." Maria said sitting on the bed across from James, and she sat on something, no not something, someone. Maria jumped up screaming. The boy sat up so fast that he hit the bottom of the bunk above him. He laid back moaning in pain.

"You're up finally." James smiled at him.

"JAMES, THE TASK AT HAND!" Maria yelled.

"Mhm, Cayden, got it." James sighed.

"Cayden, Cayden who?" The boy asked.

"Cayden Malfoy." Maria stressed.

"My cousin?!?!" he yelled.

"Your what?" James asked.

"Er, not exactly my cousin, more of my second cousin." He replied.

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

"Well my grandma on my dad's side is Lucius Malfoy's sister, and Lucius is Cayden's grandpa." He explained.

"Alright, maybe a name?" Maria asked.

"It's Austin, Austin Fontaine." He replied.

"Good, now James, what about Cayden?" Maria asked, now truly annoyed.

"Ah, you left her there, I'd say she's already dead." James yawned.

"She's not dead, if you knew her well, she would have kicked him in the shins and been half way back to the castle by now." Austin sighed.

"What if a blade's being held to her throat." Maria asked.

"Why aren't we getting Aurors then?" Austin asked.

"Because if we bring in more people..." Maria started.

"Then Cayden's dead for sure." James said.

"Okay thanks for that specification." Austin sighed.

"Did he say he wanted anything in exchange for her safe return?" James asked.

"No, nothing, I didn't hear him say anything about what he wanted for her." Maria answered swiftly.

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