Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Me and my friend own nothing but the plot and Ocs, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Cayden settled into her seat. Long summer- like days were the worst. They were hot and long. Boring and dry. It had been eight months since school started in August. She was happy she didn't have to go to "normal" school. She was happy though since summer vacation was coming around the corner. She headed to lunch and sat with the Slytherins. She looked at Maria all alone at the Ravenclaw table. There were no girls there. She then looked at Nathan. There was a girl on his lap, laughing. She stared at him. She felt tears welling up. She looked away just when Nathan pushed the girl off. She didn't see though.

Cayden burst into her room searching for her dairy. The only thing on her mind was "Tell Dad. Tell Dad. Tell Dad." She eventually found it and opened it up. Tears were streaming down. Her dad opened his because the noise happened.

"Pumpkin? What happened?"

"I saw Nathan, with another girl," She buried her face into her hands and cried. She looked at the pages when she saw the sound of him cocking a rifle.

"Dad. Don't,"

"I won't, I just wanted to make sure it worked but he was wrong to do that. Go clear the air with him. Maybe it was a big misunderstanding."

"I will," She closed out of the dairy and went to the great hall. She saw Nathan with the same girl. She was still sitting on his lap. Cayden walked over to him.

"Hi, Cayden," She felt tears sting and her throat dry and raspy.

"Hi, Nathan, um do you mind me asking, who is she?"

"Oh, Grace? She is just my sister. She is a fourth year," Cayden felt relieved.

"Oh, okay, Bye," She walked away but she looked back to hear Grace say something that alarmed her.

"Nathan, why did you tell her my name is Grace? Its Jackie,"

"Because she doesn't need to know everything," Cayden felt her heart sink to her feet and spill out onto the floor in a puddle. Cayden just went back to her room until she had the next class period. She was so excited to just go to bed at the end of the day that she barely could remember the event that occurred earlier.

Cayden was awoken by Maria violently shaking her.



"It's Nathan. He's missing," Cayden sat straight up.

"What? What happened?"

"I don't know, all I know is that his sister Grace came in saying he was missing and so was his new friend Jackie,"

"That female dog! I knew she was no good! Where do we look?"

"Everyone got assigned an area. Me and you are looking in the east part of the woods,"

"Where the old cabin is?"

"Maybe they're there!"

"Come on, we have to be quick!" Maria and Cayden scurried off to the woods in hopes of finding Nathan in the old cabin.

James was laying in his room humming to himself when Austin Fontaine burst in.

"What do you want?" James asked, annoyed.

"Nathan Lowe and Jackie Stotter are missing." Austin gasped for breath. James grabbed Austin and helped him get to a bed before he passed out.

"Brilliant, just one less target I need to take care of." James mumbled as soon as he was sure that Austin was truly passed out.

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