Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: Me and my friend own nothing but the plot and Ocs, everything else belongs to J. K. Rowling.

Cayden sat in bed, she couldn't sleep, Damian was sick and was only getting worse, and Draco's second trial was coming up that morning. She was nervous. She hoped that he would be let out. She was tired of living with Summer. She was so rude. She was also hoping Damian would be fine, he couldn't even hold down the medicines that the Doctor had prescribed, and he was now complaining about pain in the gashes all over him. Cayden sat by the window in the living room where Damian resided. She saw Roseplunger smack straight into the wall next to the open window. She got up and took the letter off of the owl's leg and made sure she was alright. She unrolled it and read.

Dear Cayden,

It's me Maria and I have news. JAMES has been kicked out of his house. I have no idea what happened. Ginny is currently not speaking to Harry because she is FURIOUS about kicking her son out. Also, do you have a brother (other than Damian ofcourse)? I saw a boy that looked just like you in Diagon alley yesterday. -Maria Jane Weasley

Cayden had to reread. A second brother? Her only brother was laying right in front of her on the couch. Her dad would have told if she had another one. Wouldn't he, yes, he would've he told her everything, having another brother was impossible, but it would never hurt to check, right? Cayden pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote back to Maria.

Dear Maria,

As far as I am sure I don't have another brother, but I'll ask my dad about it when I see him today, and about James, that is terrible, I don't know where he could be, but if I catch him, he'll be here. - Cayden Megan Malfoy

Cayden put it on Roseplunger's leg to send it back to Maria. But the owl ran straight into the lamp and the wall before going out the window. Cayden sighed. That owl was surely stupid. She turned to a sleeping Damian and sighed. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. He stirred slightly and woke up.

"Hey you." Cayden said softly. Damian smiled softly.

"Isn't dad's trial today?" Damian asked softly, his voice had become hoarse as well.

"Yes, but you have to stay here alright?" Cayden sighed. Damian nodded and curled up under the blankets. Cayden kissed him on the forehead and went to the kitchen where Blaise was waiting for her.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied. She smoothed out her dress that she was wearing.

"I think you know what to do." Blaise said, holding out his arm. Cayden clung to his arm. Blaise apparated the two of them to the Ministry. Cayden felt sick because she wasn't used to it. She kept walking anyway. When they saw her dad he didn't look like the Dad that they had seen last time, he was thinner, and had plenty new scars running across his dark mark, he was also paler, and the flame of curiosity and freedom that Cayden always saw had died out, it had given way to pain and loneliness.

"Draco!" Blaise called, Draco didn't even look up, there was something wrong, had Summer been right? Had Draco gotten his soul sucked out by Dementors? He looked up briefly and a teensy smile came across when he saw Cayden. She was going to ask him before the trial.

"Dad?" He didn't reply but nodded instead. Blaise just looked between them.

"Do I have a second brother?" Draco's head turned towards her.

"No, I only have you and Damian," he said then turned back towards where he was looking. Her dad was usually more happy than this and it broke her heart.

"Once we get you out of here, there's something that I need to tell you about Damian." Blaise whispered to him.

"What, what's wrong with him?" Draco panicked.

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