Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Me and my friend own nothing but the plot and Ocs, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling

Cayden sat in the seat, where she met Maria. She was now twelve years old. She had turned twelve over the summer. She immediately stood up when Maria entered the train. They hugged each other. They sat back down.

"Maria! How was your summer?"

"Wonderful, I saw my brother Ron, he was upset I got into Hogwarts and not him,"

"I just played with my brother. He turned 4 while we were at school last year."

"Cute. Mine was just annoying," Cayden burst out laughing and so did Maria. The train picked up speed as it took off. Cayden looked up to see Nathan standing there with flowers. His hair didn't have bangs anymore. His hair was neatly combed back. He sat down next to her. James started off towards them then turned back to the front. He scowled. Cayden shivered. She could feel something off about him.

Cayden sat at the Slytherin table. She was excited to see who would join Slytherin. She sat at the very edge, in order to avoid the others since they were actually mean. She wasn't. She drew a breath as the first years trickled in eager like a deer to berries. Names were shouted and houses were called. No new Slytherins, so far. She went through the whole sorting, without a single new Slytherin. She smiled everytime a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw was called. Headmistress McGonagol did her speech and then everyone got up. Cayden went to the dorms and unpacked her stuff. She climbed into her bed. She opened a diary that allowed her and her dad to communicate. They just talked and it put the sound to the page.

"Hey, Pumpkin,"

"Daad! The others are here!"

"Sorry, anyway, how Hogwarts so far?" Crying show'd up on the pages.

"Damian?" She asked. Her dad drew a breath.


"Hogwarts is fine, there was no new Slytherins,"

"Wow, that hasn't happened in like forever,"

"I know right!" She talked to her dad for hours until she felt tired. She climbed into her bed and snuggled with a stuffed rabbit that her mum had left for her before she took off. She drifted off to sleep.

Maria sighed. She felt herself shiver with the coldness. She was alone. Surprisingly there were no female Ravenclaws, other than her. She wrestled with the cover trying to get comfortable. She drifted off hoping that her brother wasn't too mad.

Cayden opened her eyes. She saw the other girls sleeping. She stood up and put on her uniform. She brushed her golden shimmery hair and brushed her teeth. She rolled her eyes. It was already 5:30 and classes started at 6:10. She set off to the Hufflepuff common room to see Nathan. He was standing at the door half-asleep. She waved to get his attention.

"Cayden! Oh, sorry, I'm used to ya' know waking up at nine,"

"I get it, at least you woke up. The other girls are still sleeping," Maria came in.


"C!" They kept talking until they had to go to their first class. Professor Varye stood, preparing the lesson. Cayden could see the warts had only gotten worse. She stuck out her tongue and with his back turned pointed at his hands. Something dawned on her as she looked at Nathan. She had never told her dad about him. She decided to tell him that night.

Maria was near the entrance of Hogwarts. She jumped as the doors burst open. She saw her cousin, James standing on the bridge. He was shouting something, she couldn't hear. His wand was shooting out the spell repeatedly. Maria eventually heard him shout, Avada Kedavra. She shook it off thinking she misheard him.

Cayden opened her diary furiously. She stared at the pages waiting for her dad. The chipper noise of him opening his end startled her. She felt so nervous, she thought she would barf.

"Pumpkin, are you okay?"

"D-D-Dad, I have to tell you something,"

"Anything, tell me,"

"I have a boyfriend, and actually I have had one since last year," She stared at the pages waiting for his reaction.

"I knew this day would come, but why did you keep it a secret?"

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want to bother you, ya' know since Damian,"

"Honey, it's amazing, what's his name?"

"Nathan Lowe,"

"Hmm, never heard of his family, maybe half-blood or muggle. But if he ever hurts you, I will pull out the rifle," She smiled at his remark.

"Daaad! Don't. You don't need to go to jail for me,"

"Bye, pumpkin,"

"Bye, dad," She closed the diary, sure that her dad was currently searching up Nathan and his family on his computer at home. She snuggled deeper into her covers. She drifted off to sleep.

Cayden was rudely awakened by her alarm clock. She got up. Again all the other girls were still asleep. She chuckled to herself wondering what her dad had dug about Nathan. She got ready faster this time so she had a whole hour till class. She jumped when her diary made the chipper noise again.. She opened it up.

"Dad, what?"

"I have info! The Lowe's are primarily muggle but his mum's side is completely purebloods,"

"Okay cool, why did you need to tell me at five o'clock in the morning?"

"Just 'cause bye,"

"Bye," She closed the diary and layed back down. Her bed at home was more comfy.

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